Causes of Finger Numbness

Finger numbness most often occurs due to compression, or entrapment, of a nerve that supplies sensation to the hand.

Dr. Tina M. St. John
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Symptoms: Tingling Forefinger & Thumb

A tingling forefinger and thumb can be symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition that affects the median nerve that runs through your hand and forearm. Carpal tunnel syndrome can worsen without treatment, hampering your ability to work and participate in sports or hobbies.

Holly McGurgan
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Hand Massage for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is irritation of the median nerve as it passes into the wrist. It can have several different causes. Symptoms include pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the part of the hand supplied by the median nerve. CTS may respond well to massage therapy depending on the underlying factors.

Tom Pote
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Exercises for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most commonly occurring nerve entrapment syndrome in the upper body according to Hand Health Resources. Compression of the ulnar nerve in the inside of your elbow causes pain and tenderness at your elbow and numbness and tingling in your little finger and ring finger.

Lynn Hetzler
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Stiff Pinkie Fingers

Stiff pinkie fingers can be a symptom of many conditions, but carpal tunnel syndrome probably isn't one of them. The carpal tunnel only affects the thumb and first three fingers of your hand, so unless you're experiencing symptoms in the other fingers, look to other conditions that may be causing the problem.

Sarah Barnes
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4 Ways to Interpret Numbness in the Tips of the Fingers

One of the most common reasons for fingertip, hand and wrist numbness is carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpal tunnel runs through the center of the wrist, housing the median nerve that innervates the hands.

Livestrong Contributor
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Causes of Finger Tingling

A tingling sensation, a symptom also known as paresthesia, can result from many different conditions and diseases. The conditions most likely to cause tingling in the fingers include those that affect the nerves and blood vessels.

Stephanie Chandler
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Remedy for Tingling Hands

A tingling sensation in the hands may be attributed to so many possible causes that it's difficult to identify the right remedy without further details. Often tingling is accompanied by numbness or by a prickling sensation, like "pins and needles."

Danielle Hill
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What Are the Causes of Tingling in Left Arm?

Many conditions can cause tingling in the left arm. According to the MedlinePlus website, tingling sensations in the body, especially the extremities, may indicate a serious underlying health problem, or the tingling may be a temporary phenomenon that resolves itself over time.

Martin Hughes
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome With Nerve & Tendon Gliding Exercises

Carpal tunnel syndrome is tingling, numbness or weakness in the hand and wrist caused by pressure on the median nerve — the nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist and provides sensation to the thumb, index and middle fingers of the hand.

Scott Johnson
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Magnet Treatment for Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome results from any condition that narrows your carpal tunnel, which runs along the inside of your wrist in the direction of your fingers, according to The tunnel sheaths an important nerve that sends nerve signals and feeling to your fingers.

Beverly Bird
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Exercises for Guyon's Canal Syndrome

Professional drivers and motorcyclists can suffer from Guyon's canal syndrome, which often occurs due to vibration from the road. Similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, Guyon's canal stems from compression of a nerve in your arm. You might feel pain or numbness in the outside of your palm or in your ring and pinky fingers.

Christy Callahan
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