Complications of Using CPAP Breathing

CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is a relatively safe and effective treatment for sleep apnea and certain other breathing problems, according to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. A CPAP machine blows a steady stream of air into a mask that the patient wears over the mouth and nose.

Louise Lyon
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Steps the Lungs Go Through After Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking results in healing within the lungs.The sooner you quit, the better the chance for reversing the harmful effects of tobacco smoke on the lungs.

Dr. Sylvie Stacy
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5 Things You Need to Know About Jump Lunges

Jump lunges are a plyometric bodyweight exercise. If you want to add them to your workout, you have to know proper technique.

Henry Halse
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The Use of Accessory Muscles With Breathing

Most people breathe without even thinking about it. The purpose of breathing is to bring oxygen into the body when you breathe in and move carbon dioxide out of the body when you breathe out. The diaphragm, a large muscle that separates the lungs from the abdomen, is the main muscle responsible for normal breathing.

Meg Brannagan
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What Are the Causes of Mucus in the Lungs?

Excess mucus in the airways or lungs is not healthy, and may be caused by irritants, allergens, infectious agents or certain medical conditions.

Lori Newell
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What Is the Difference Between a Lunge and a Split Squat?

Lunges and split squats share similarities that make the two exercises easy to confuse. To understand the differences between them, focus on the muscles they activate and the form considerations of each. The differences may appear subtle, but the exercises differ significantly.

Carolyn Williams
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What Food to Eat for Inflammation of Pleurisy

Inflammation of pleurisy is an inflammation of the membrane around the lungs, called the pleura. This membrane is two layers thick and lines the chest cavity, thereby protecting the lungs. In healthy individuals, there is a thick layer of fluid between the two pleura.

Catherine Frances
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Benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate nostril breathing is also called "anuloma viloma" or "nadi shodhana" (in Sanskrit, the ancient language of yoga). As the name suggests, this breathing exercise involves alternating which nostril you breathe out of by blocking the opposite nostril.

Ripa Ajmera
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What Vitamins Reduce Inflammation in the Lungs?

Lung inflammation can lead to a host of medical conditions. Inflammation happens in the small airways, air sacs and capillaries of your lungs. Symptoms first appear as shortness of breath, fatigue, decreased appetite, weight loss, dry cough, trouble breathing and chest discomfort.

Michelle Fisk
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The Causes, Effects & Solutions for Air Pollution

Vehicles crowding roadways, power plants pumping smoke and chemicals from consumer products have many people thinking about air pollution and how it affects the planet. Air pollution is a complicated problem with many causes and effects and few solutions.

Amanda Tromley
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List of Drugs Prescribed for Breathing Problems

According to the American Geriatrics Society, breathing problems such as shortness of breath, discomfort in chest, coughing and wheezing, often have causes in underlying illnesses. These respiratory illnesses include chronic bronchitis, asthma and pulmonary emphysema as reported by National Jewish Health.

Carole Anne Tomlinson
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Benefits of Deep Breathing

Deep breathing can release stress and provide other noticeable health benefits. You will likely feel calmer after performing deep breathing exercises, and may trade feelings of anger or fear for a focused, relaxed state of mind.

Melanie D. Tucker
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