Mark Wahlberg gets real about battling depression

Mark Wahlberg is the latest male celebrity to admit he has battled depression, revealing how he beat the blues.

Leah Groth
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An Online Quiz Helped This YouTube Star Diagnose Her Own Depression

Michelle Phan dishes on her depression, which resulted from her nonstop hustling as well as the constant pressure to keep up with her online presence.

Erin Mosbaugh
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Does a Sudden Withdrawal of Vitamins Cause Depression?

A sudden withdrawal of vitamins, whether from crash dieting or a lack of healthy food, can cause a range of symptoms of poor health, creating conditions where you are more vulnerable to depression. Depression is a serious illness with complicated origins.

Livestrong Contributor
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Kelly Clarkson Opens Up About the Link Between Her Mental Health and Her Weight

Kelly Clarkson claims when she was at her thinnest, she was actually miserable and that her skinny appearance was the result of her unhappy state.

Leah Groth
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Can Exercise Cause Depression?

Exercise has long been advocated as a treatment for depression. A 2000 study published in "Psychosomatic Medicine" found that moderate aerobic exercise was as effective as medication in decreasing symptoms of major depression and that subjects who exercised had lower occurrence of relapse than medicated subjects.

Molly Sorlien
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A List of Antidepressants That Do Not Cause Vertigo

Vertigo is not the same as dizziness or lightheadedness. It is “a sensation of motion or spinning ... often described as dizziness,” according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. One cause of vertigo is ototoxicity—ear poisoning—that may result in permanent or temporary damage to the inner ear or acoustic nerve.

Maura Wolf
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Foods That Increase Dopamine & Serotonin

Fighting off mild depression involves positive thinking, but eating the right foods may be just as important. Certain nutrients found in healthy foods may alter brain chemistry which plays a larger role in your mental health.

Michele Turcotte, MS, RD
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Dissociation Symptoms of Major Depression

Major depression is a psychiatric disorder that typically results in chronic mood disturbances such as sadness, irritable mood, low self esteem, loss of pleasure in life, feelings of guilt, loss of appetite, loss of energy, difficulty concentrating and suicidal thoughts.

Noreen Kassem
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Medications to Treat TMJ

TMJ, or Temporo-Mandibular Joint Disorders, is a class of disorders that affect the jawbone, according to the TMJ Association. They affect jaw movement and the muscles and surrounding tissues of the jaw. TMJ causes several other symptoms that may be confused with other medical problems.

Cristina A. Fernandez, M.S.
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Examples of Depression

Everyone experiences moments or days when they feel sad, stressed or irritable, which is normal. However, some people feel those things most of the time and don’t feel happy very often. Those people probably also have issues eating and sleeping, trouble concentrating and feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.

Michelle Bolyn
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Medications to Treat Human Worms

Helminth infections -- worm infections -- are a major cause of illness worldwide. Even though public sanitation has led to a decreasing rate of helminth infections in the United States, worms can still cause infection when you travel, eat undercooked meats, or fall victim to poor sanitation.

Amy O'Connell
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Common Depressants

Depressants are so called because they depress, or slow down, central nervous system functioning. This causes physical depression, lowered inhibitions, sedation, sleep, anesthesia, unconsciousness and potentially coma and death.

Hazel Thornstein
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