Insulin Resistance & Estrogen

Low estrogen levels and insulin resistance can have negative health consequences, and your doctor can best guide you on how to manage and treat these health concerns.

Krithika Subramanian, Ph.D.
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Does Stevia Affect Insulin?

Stevia is a plant native to South and Central America. It has been used as a traditional diabetes remedy for decades. Because refined stevia is 250 to 300 times sweeter than sugar and doesn't increase blood sugar levels, it is a popular sugar substitute for people with diabetes.

Keren Price
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What Is a High Insulin Level?

Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas to help regulate blood sugar levels. High insulin, or hyperinsulinemia, is when insulin levels remain elevated as opposed to the normal fluctuations of insulin necessary to lower blood sugar in relation to eating.

Janet Renee, MS, RD
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The Effects of Overeating

Indulging a bit here and there may not seem like a big deal, but the effects of overeating are serious and impact multiple areas of life. While overeating is often made easy by society, the long-term costs outweigh the benefits of that extra bite, according to the “Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Jamie Simpson
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Watermelon & Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body does not use insulin properly. The pancreas releases the hormone insulin into the bloodstream to help convert glucose, which comes from food, into energy. Because the muscles, liver and cells can't use the insulin effectively, glucose builds up in the bloodstream.

Charmaine Jones
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High Insulin Foods

Produced in response to an increase in blood sugar, insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to enter cells and is used as energy, or stored in the liver, muscle or fat cells. High-glycemic carbohydrates like sugars and starches cause the body to produce higher levels of insulin.

Colin Cash
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Insulin Resistance Diet Plan

If you're carrying extra weight and not getting sufficient exercise, you may be at risk of insulin resistance, which is when your body does not effectively use the insulin it produces.

Jill Corleone, RDN, LD
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What Happens When a Person's Insulin Level Is High?

Insulin, a hormone secreted by your pancreas, helps control the amount of glucose in your blood. Glucose, also called sugar, is your body's main source of energy. The food you eat is converted to glucose and then driven into your body's cells where it can be used as fuel. Insulin plays a major role in this process.

April Banks
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Insulin Resistance and Weight Loss with Metformin

The cells in your body can’t absorb glucose, the body’s primary source of energy, without insulin. When glucose enters the bloodstream, the pancreas releases insulin. If cells become insulin-resistant, they no longer respond to insulin release by absorbing glucose.

Sharon Perkins
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The Best Supplements for Insulin Resistance

The hormone insulin stimulates body tissues to absorb blood sugar, and then burn it for fuel or store it for later use. Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body gradually loses its ability to use insulin effectively. To compensate, excess amounts of insulin are produced and released into the bloodstream.

Martin Booe
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How to Improve Insulin Levels in Your Body

Insulin is a hormone the pancreas produces that helps transport both glucose and triglycerides from the bloodstream into the cells. Glucose is the body's primary source of energy; every cell needs glucose.

Maura Shenker
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Abdominal Fat & Insulin Resistance

If you have insulin resistance, you’re not alone -- this disorder of the body’s endocrine system affects up to 80 million Americans, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. If untreated, insulin resistance can develop into serious health problems like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Bonnie Singleton
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