Fitness novices must notice: these 5 big mistakes and 6 bad habits must be avoided

When you start to get used to the gym and exercise your muscles, after a while, you find that the effect is not good. What is wrong? For fitness novices, some habits may hinder your fitness outcomes. The five common mistakes mentioned by fitness journalist Adam Bornstein, see if you have made these mistakes too?

Rick Rockwell
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3 strokes! Strengthen the core muscles and say goodbye to belly fat

During fitness, most of you will focus on the chest, back muscles and other parts, so that your body looks thicker, and GQ has also introduced a lot of related moves. This time I want to teach you three core trainings, mainly to exercise the internal and external oblique muscles, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis, which are difficult to be practiced in the abdomen. I want to make the upper body look more symmetrical and have a line. Learn quickly

Diane Marks
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Which Burns First, Fat or Muscle?

Whether your goal is weight loss or improving your athletic performance, burning fat is preferable to burning muscle. Fortunately, your body burns fat before muscle to produce energy.

Meredith Crilly
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Getting Depressed After Working Out

Don't beat yourself up if you feel depressed after your workout. Instead, examine what's going on inside and see if you might be your own worst enemy.

Ashley Miller
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What to Do to Not Get Tired When You Work Out

Don’t let fatigue knock you off your game when exercising. The symptoms of fatigue can be managed by taking safety precautions before and during your workout.

Joy Johnston
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How to Lose Weight with a Stepper

A stepper is a small, low-cost and easy-to-use piece of home fitness equipment that can burn calories and help in your weight loss program.

Brian Richards
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What Is a Good Exercise Heart Rate?

The easiest way to figure your maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220. Once you know this number, you can determine a good heart rate for your next exercise session.

Andrea Cespedes
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Beginner Gym Workout Routines for Women

There’s no need to be intimidated if you’re new to the gym or exercise, because you’ll start out at a low intensity and volume and then gradually bump it up as your body adapts.

Kim Nunley
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Anna Victoria’s 10-Minute Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Sometimes you just can't get to the gym. You can do this 10-minute full-body circuit using just the space of a yoga mat.

Hoku Krueger
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Working Out on the Keto Diet? Here's What You Need to Know

From the keto flu to ketosis, here's what you need to know if you plan on working out while you're on the keto diet.

Moira Lawler
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How to Prepare for an Obstacle Race

Rather than viewing workout sessions in terms of separate strength and cardio days, think of obstacle race training in terms of integrated workouts.

Pete Williams
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How Long Before a Workout Should I Take Protein?

You need protein for muscle growth, so it seems logical to get some protein into your system before a workout. But muscle building happens after your workout, during the recovery stage, so the best time to take in some protein is 30 to 60 minutes after exercising.

Brynne Chandler
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