3 strokes! Strengthen the core muscles and say goodbye to belly fat

 by Diane Marks

During fitness, most of you will focus on the chest, back muscles and other parts, so that your body looks thicker, and GQ has also introduced a lot of related moves. This time I want to teach you three core trainings, mainly to exercise the internal and external oblique muscles, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis, which are difficult to be practiced in the abdomen. I want to make the upper body look more symmetrical and have a line. Learn quickly

During fitness, most of you will focus on the chest, back muscles and other parts, so that your body looks thicker, and GQ has also introduced a lot of related moves. This time I want to teach you three core trainings, mainly to exercise the internal and external oblique muscles, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis, which are difficult to be practiced in the abdomen. I want to make the upper body look more symmetrical and have a line. Learn quickly!

In order to avoid direct contact with the floor or a hard surface, the following actions are recommended. It is recommended to prepare a light mat such as a yoga mat to assist.

1、Mountain plane support method

Number of times: 5 times

Start: The body naturally squats on the ground, then the arm raises the body, while the shoulders and elbows must be in a straight line, the legs are straight back, the toes are pointed, the back is straight, the palms of the hands are up, then the thumb should It is on both sides of the body.

Action: Lift the buttocks up, then head to the ground, and then divide the hands to the left and right sides to make the body appear as a pointed triangle.

Finishing: Push forward with your ankles, then slowly lower your hips and take your hands back to the origin.

2. Hip joint plane support method

Number of times: Can be repeated multiple times, but remember to have the same number of left and right.

Start: The body naturally squats on the ground, then the arm raises the body, while the shoulders and elbows must be in a straight line, the legs are straight back, point to the ground with the toes, the head and back are straight, and the palms of the hands are up. Then the thumb goes to the sides of the body.

Action: swinging the hip from left to right and from right to left. While swinging on the buttocks, the arm on the same side can also move slightly with the amplitude of the swing, so that it is repeated many times.

3. Sea star type plane support method

Number of times: Can be repeated multiple times, but remember to have the same number of left and right.

Start: The body naturally squats on the ground, then the arm raises the body, while the shoulders and elbows must be in a straight line, the legs are straight back, point to the ground with the toes, the head and back are straight, and the palms of the hands are up. At this time, the thumb should be on both sides of the body, and the feet should be kept at the same shoulder width.

Action: Slowly shift the center of gravity to the elbows and toes on either side of the body, so that the plane of the body turns perpendicular to the ground. Then, the hand and foot that do not support the ground should be raised and straightened as much as possible, and maintained for one minute for the other side.


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