The Biggest Mistakes New Moms Make Trying to Get Fit After Baby

Be the best mom you can be after giving birth by getting strong and fit. To reach your goals, avoid making these common mistakes.

Jody Braverman
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Eating Ice While Pregnant

Cravings occur frequently during pregnancy, but certain cravings, like chomping on ice, may indicate something potentially more serious than a craving for pickles and ice cream. An urge to eat non-nutritive substances, a condition called pica, can occur in pregnant women with low iron levels.

Sharon Perkins
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Healthy Soups During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, it is important that you eat essential vitamins and minerals to help your baby grow and develop. Soups can be healthy and nutritious meals, providing you and your baby with important vitamins without loading you up with fat grams or calories.

Jody Braverman
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Fruits to Avoid When Pregnant

In general, eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables during your pregnancy is a good thing. You need the vitamins, minerals and fiber they provide. Plus, opting for unprocessed, "whole" foods is generally a healthier choice overall.

Andra Picincu
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Is it Okay to Eat Flaxseed While Pregnant?

Flaxseed is rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient especially important during the development of your child. However, flaxseed also contains lignans, chemicals that can mimic the actions of estrogen in your body.

Andrea Cespedes
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The 11 Best Foods to Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy

Second to having and caring for a healthy, happy baby, many mothers set their sights on shedding excess pounds soon after labor. Slow down there, mama! The National Library of Medicine recommends waiting at least six weeks after childbirth before attempting to lose weight to allow your body time to recover.

August McLaughlin
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Causes of Weight Gain During First Month of Pregnancy

During the first month of pregnancy, your baby-to-be grows at a rapid rate. But he's only about 1/5 of an inch long 4 weeks after conception, still not large enough to account for any weight gain by himself. Most women gain very little weight related to pregnancy itself during the first month.

Sharon Perkins
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Does Pickle Juice Increase Metabolism?

Pickling vegetables at home was a very common activity with past generations. Pickling preserves food, which was especially important prior to refrigeration. The most commonly pickled vegetable is the cucumber, although other vegetables are also pickled.

Sirah Dubois
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Is There a Natural Food Good for Swelling During Pregnancy?

Swelling, or edema, is one of a plethora of symptoms many pregnant women experience. It’s caused by increased pressure in your veins and water retention and is exacerbated by hot weather and fatigue. Edema typically occurs in your ankles, fingers, face and lower back.

Michelle Fisk
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Does Pickle Juice Kill Stomach Bacteria?

Pickle juice is sometimes touted as an effective home remedy for getting rid of stomach bacteria or soothing an upset stomach.

Christopher Godwin
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Are You Only Craving Vegetables While Pregnant?

If you experience food cravings during pregnancy, you fit in with about half of all pregnant women, reports Judith Brown, author of "What to Eat Before, During, and After Pregnancy." Many women crave unhealthy sweets and salty snacks, but others may crave healthy vegetables and fruits.

Andrea Cespedes
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Is Nonalcoholic Beer Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnant women put their newborns at risk for birth defects if they drink alcohol during pregnancy. You may try to avoid the risk while pregnant by resorting to nonalcoholic beer, but even these beverages may contain small amounts of alcohol.

Jerry Shaw
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