6 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen

From a hatred of strawberries to, well, a hatred toward nightshades, here are six surprising things you didn't know about Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen.

Is Spinning as Dangerous as People Are Saying?

Cases of exertional rhabdomyolysis following spin classes are on the rise, which can lead to muscle breakdown and, in serious cases, kidney damage.

Boxing for People Over 50 Years Old

You can still pick up boxing over age 50, but be sure to wear protective equipment and avoid combat sparring.

How to Measure Arm Length for Boxing

Measure your reach in boxing to determine the approach appropriate when sparring with an opponent.

USA Boxing Coach Certification

USA Boxing coaches train at the local level, all the way up to the Olympic level. In order to be a USA Boxing coach, you must earn a certification.

Ways to Tell If You Are Ready to Turn Pro in Boxing

The desire to go pro as a boxer is strong, but you should be sure that you're ready to make the leap.

Jaw Muscle Exercises for Boxing

As a boxer, you likely spend a lot of time in the gym building your upper body strength. However, strengthening your neck and jaw muscles is just as important. Bonus - these exercises don't require more gym time!

Is It Better to Lift Weights Before Boxing Training?

Strength training is an important part of a boxer's physique and performance. That's why it's important to know how to incorporate weights into an overall training program.

Neck Exercises for Boxing

A strong neck protects you from injury and helps you maintain better prosture and positioning in the ring.

Boxing Agility Drills

Boxing agility drills are an effective way to improve your foot speed and endurance while maximizing your performance in the ring.

Different Types of Boxing Stances

Boxers typically fight in the orthodox stance or southpaw stance, depending on which hand is dominant.

Can You Switch Boxing Stances in the Ring?

When it comes to switching stances in the ring, it's not a question of if you can do it, but rather if you should do it.