Conflict & Jealousy Between Sisters

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of," says Amy Li, in "Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul," which sums up the complex sister relationship perfectly.

How a Pet Can Make or Break Your Relationship

There should be a word for that moment when you realize your relationship is over. For me, that moment could be summarized in one syllable: dog. I adored my foster dog, Zoe, immediately, but my boyfriend really, really didn’t. With that, our bond began crumbling, and months later we broke up.

How to Tell If Someone Is Really Your Friend

A recent study contributes to a growing body of literature that says only about half of all our friendships are mutual.

Relationship drama: why men suffer more than women

Disagreeing about topics like children, money, in-laws, religion and leisure activities has a more negative effect on men's health than on wives.

How 16 Celebrity Couples Keep Their Relationships Healthy

When it comes to keeping a relationship healthy and happy, these Hollywood stars have some wisdom to offer.

8 Ways to Tell If You and Your Significant Other Are Compatible

If compatibility is a moving target, how can you tell if someone will be your best match both now and in the future? Read on for some surprising clues.

Why Selfies Are Bad for Your Love Life

A new study claims that sharing selfies on social media can be extremely damaging when it comes to your romantic life.

20 Fit, Fun and Affordable Gifts You Should Treat Yourself to

LIVESTRONG and Society6 partnered to bring you 20 fit, fun and affordable gifts you should treat yourself to. These will bring out the smiles — without packing on the calories.

How Do I Handle My Daughter's Abusive Relationship?

Watching your daughter suffer at the hands of an abuser is a painful experience for any parent - here is some advice.

9 Ways to Ensure Your Relationship Is Built to Last

Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be the only day you celebrate your love. Yet for many, once the holiday has ended, romance and commitment fall by the wayside and people get lost in their daily routines and personal concerns. Loving relationships cannot be neglected, though.

10 Signs Your Partner Is About to Dump You

When it comes to getting the proverbial boot, it’s always nice to have a little bit of a heads up so you can prepare and respond accordingly. If the following warning signs pop up in your relationship, well, you may want to reevaluate your future.

Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux and Other Celebrity Exes Who Stayed Friends

These 10 celebrity couples managed to "consciously uncouple" while keeping their friendship intact.