Volleyball Positions and the Number of Players

In the late 19th century, the two popular American team sports of basketball and volleyball were both invented at Springfield College in Massachusetts.

Mitali Ruths
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Traits of a Good Volleyball Player

Unlike many competitive team sports, volleyball doesn't feature any physical contact between opponents. Volleyball players remain on their own respective sides of the court with a tall net serving as a barrier between the two teams.

William Lynch
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How to Bump a Volleyball Without Pain

Playing volleyball is an excellent way to fulfill daily exercise requirements, but if you finish a game with red, sore marks up and down your arms, it's possible that you're using improper bumping technique.

Kay Ireland
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How to Improve as an Outside Hitter in Volleyball

To improve as an outside hitter in volleyball, you must become physically stronger, add elevation to your vertical jump, refine your hitting techniques and build a full arsenal of attack shots. You must add more power and finesse to your game while learning to accurately place all your shots in competitive situations.

Jeff Gordon
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Five Fitness Components for Volleyball

Fitness means different things to different people. For some, fitness means being able to run a long way or swim quickly while for others it is the ability to lift heavy weights or do the splits.

Patrick Dale
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Volleyball Scoring Rules

There are two scoring methods used for volleyball. The first is known as sideout scoring, which basically means the only team that can score is the team that is serving. If the non-serving team hits the ball in the opponents' court or their opponents make an error, they earn the right to serve only.

A.G. Moody
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Volleyball Serving Rules

The serve is vital in the game of volleyball. The server hits the ball over the net to the opponent, and the rally goes until the ball is not returned properly, grounded on the court or goes “out,” advises the Federation Internationale De Volleyball.

Linda Tarr Kent
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A List of Volleyball Equipment

Volleyball is a fast-paced team sport with two very distinct identities. Indoor and beach volleyball are both played on a court. The primary objective in both indoor and beach volleyball is to prevent the ball from bouncing in your team's half of the court while trying to make it land in the other team's court.

Melanie Clatfelter
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How to Volley a Volleyball

Volleying is the motion of passing a ball back and forth over a net. The technique to volleying a volleyball takes skill and practice. The volley is a basic skill that anyone playing the game should be able to do proficiently. Practice daily for an ideal volley to help your team in a game.

Kay Ireland
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The Fundamental Skills Used in Playing Volleyball

Volleyball is a sport that requires you to master a complex skill set. Because you rotate from playing front line positions to back line positions, you constantly are shifting from setting up offensive plays to completing offensive plays. You also must shift quickly from offense to defense.

Michael Hutchins
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Joints & Muscles Used in Volleyball

Even if you don't play volleyball competitively, casual play in the backyard or on a beach requires athleticism. Jumping and running, as well as serving and spiking the ball, all require strong muscles and flexible joints.

Elle Di Jensen
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Volleyball Drills for Middle School Girls

Volleyball drills for middle school girls are designed to improve their form and technique as well as their agility on the court. While individual skills can be improved through drills, other drills work on improving team chemistry and communication. Volleyball drills range from service drills to spiking drills.

Jason Aberdeene
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