Does a Ganglion Cyst Affect Doing Push Ups?

Ganglion cysts can be bothersome, particularly when exercising. Push-ups can be modified to avoid pain caused by ganglion cysts.

LIVESTRONG's 2018 Wellness Trends Guide

LIVESTRONG.COM's 2018 wellness predictions are in. Read on to find out what's going to be on everyone's radars next year.

Could You Benefit from a Sound Bath?

Sound baths can not only provide deep relaxation and the best night of sleep you’ve ever had, they can also help you feel more grounded.

Stressed? Tired? Anxious? Find Out Which 5-Minute Meditation Is Best for Your Mood

Our readers are listing stress, anxiety and sleep deprivation as significant concerns — here's the meditation app that can help.

7 Health Benefits of Cold Weather

Now that the thermostat is dropping and sweater weather has arrived (or is at least well on its way in many geographical areas), let’s try to look on the bright side. Cold weather, believe it or not, has quite a number of positives in the form of health benefits.

Home Remedies for a Blocked Tear Duct

The main home remedy for a blocked tear duct in babies is a type of eye massage, with or without warm compresses. Adults typically require medical treatment.

10 Things Your Boss Wants You to Do Without Being Told

Depending on how effusive — and prone to giving feedback — your boss is, it can be hard to know exactly what he or she really needs from you. But no matter what industry you work in, there are some universal traits that higher-ups wish the people they manage had, according to experts.

30 Days of Thankfulness Challenge

Researchers have found that people who keep gratitude journals feel better about their lives. All we need to do is write down what we're thankful for.

17 Diet, Health and Fitness Products With Totally Bogus Claims

In an effort to stay fit, lose weight, dodge diseases and limit medical costs, Americans spend billions of dollars on health-and-wellness products each year. Sadly, many of the claims companies make to boost sales turn out to be completely false or not substantiated by research.

Tea Tree Oil for Treating Head Lice

Head lice is common in children, and parents often seek alternative ways to treat lice. One such natural treatment is tea tree oil.

10 Natural Herbs and Supplements to Help Calm Anxiety

Daily pressures at work and home can sometimes quickly reach a boiling point, and too much stress can wreak havoc on your immune system and lead to headaches, digestion problems, stomachaches, insomnia, depression and other problems. But don’t fret!

Are Sage Flowers Edible?

In the summer, common garden sage produces purplish-blue flowers that you can eat. You can cut the fresh flowers and use them as a decoration on a cake, use them to make herbed vinegar, pour hot water over them for tea, or dry and store them to use in the winter, when fresh flowers are rare.