30 Days of Thankfulness Challenge

 by Jess Barron

Researchers have found that people who keep gratitude journals feel better about their lives. All we need to do is write down what we're thankful for.

What are you grateful for today? Friends, family, job, health, a house, pets, children — those are all great things to start with. Or what about fall foliage, hot sauce, indoor plumbing and a cozy sweater? Just look around you — we have a lot to be thankful for.

All that gratitude doesn't just produce a warm, fuzzy feeling, it's actually good for your health! In a 2013 study published in Personality and Individual Differences, researchers found that grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and report feel healthier than others.

A 2011 study published in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being found that people who journaled for 15 minutes about what they were grateful for slept better than those who didn't journal.

And researchers at UC Davis Emmons Lab have found that people who kept gratitude journals:

  • Exercised more regularly
  • Reported fewer physical complaints
  • Experienced better sleep quality and duration
  • Felt a greater sense of connection to others
  • Were more likely to have made progress toward important personal goals
  • Had higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness and energy
  • Felt better about their lives as a whole

To reap all of these benefits, all you need to do is record and take note of items you're thankful for. Since Thanksgiving is in November (in the U.S.), LIVESTRONG.COM is hosting a daily gratitude challenge. Will you join us?

How to Do the Challenge

1. Begin paying attention.

Was your lunch today particularly good? Did you listen to one of your favorite songs while driving in your car? Were the clouds in the sky in a beautiful pattern? You can find gratitude and thankfulness in anything — big or small.

2. Write it down.

Each day, write down one thing that you are grateful for. You can print out the daily calendar we've created.

3. Share your progress.

Join our LIVESTRONG.COM Challenge Facebook Group for motivation and challenge updates. Finally, you can share your daily gratitude on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #30DaysOfThanks.

Recording your gratitude should take you only one to five minutes per day. This is such a small amount of time to spend on something that can give you tremendous happiness and health benefits.

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What Do YOU Think?

Did you try this challenge last year? If so, what was your experience like? Have you ever tried keeping a gratitude journal? What are some tips for someone who is just starting? Will you join the challenge this year? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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