At-Home Rehabilitation Exercises for a Deltoid Injury

Rehab your deltoid with exercises at home that strengthen the muscles and improve range of motion.

George W. Citroner
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Athletic Training Vs. Physical Therapy

While athletic trainers and physical therapists both work with people who have suffered sports injuries, the similarities between the two careers end there. Trainers and therapists have different educations, certifications and work place settings.

Tina Hatcher, MS, CPT
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Physical Therapy for C5 & C6 Spine Problems

Your C5 and C6 vertebrae are located in the cervical portion of your spine, otherwise known as the neck. Physical therapy for C5 & C6 ranges from reducing pain and symptom levels by properly taking care of this region to strengthening and stretching exercises that return your neck to a functioning level.

Crystal Welch
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Red LED Light Therapy for Sports Injuries

Near-infrared LED light offers athletes noninvasive treatment for soft tissue injuries, providing recovery and pain relief. Athletes or non-competitive sportsman who suffer injuries to their shoulders, back, legs and other areas may benefit from light therapy.

Jim Orrill
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Post-Isometric Exercise Relaxation Techniques

There is a fine line between lengthening muscles by gently stretching them, and elongating them to the point of triggering the stretch reflex, a protective response that contracts the muscle, causing the undesirable effect of tightening the targeted muscle.

Marisa Upson
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Physical Therapy Exercises for Lumbar Spondylosis

Lumbar spondylosis is a condition that occurs when the bones in your spine begin degenerating, resulting in a narrowing of the spinal canal in your lower back. This degeneration can result in severe pain due to pressure placed on the nerves in your lower back.

Keith Strange
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Physical Therapy Exercises for a Fractured Hand

Many small bones make up the supporting structure for your hands, fingers and wrists. When excessive force is applied to your hand, from a fall for example, the small bones are susceptible to becoming fractured. A hand fracture may cause pain, swelling and decreased ability to use the affected hand.

Michelle Zehr
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Broken Wrist Complications After Cast Removal and Physical Therapy

The wrist is a complex joint made up of eight bones, plus the radius and ulna, the two bones in the forearm. "Broken wrist" can refer to a fracture of any, some or all of these bones.

Beth Greenwood
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Physical Therapy for a 5th Metacarpal Fracture

A fracture of the 5th metacarpal bone usually occurs from hitting a hard object with a closed fist, according to the 5th Metacarpal Fracture website, earning the nickname “the boxer’s fracture.

Lynn Hetzler
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Physiotherapeutic Exercises for Cerebellar Ataxia

Cerebellar ataxia affects the nervous system by decreasing balance and coordination most typically in the trunk, arms and legs. There are acute, chronic progressive and recurrent forms of cerebellar ataxia all with similar symptoms and treatment.

Andrea Dixon
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Physical Therapy Protocol for Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti, a condition that occurs when the connective tissue between the rectus abdominis is stretched too far, is prevalent in pregnant women due to their expanding bellies, reports Pub Med Health.

Jenna Morris
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Dupuytren's Contracture Exercises

Dupuytren's contracture is a medical condition in which fibrous tissue in your fingers and palm area becomes thick and tight, causing fingers to curl and bend. Even though not a dangerous medical condition, severe cases may necessitate surgery if reaching the point of hindering everyday function.

Crystal Welch
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