This Cheesy Cauliflower Loaf Is the Perfect Keto Treat

The best part of this cheesy cauliflower loaf — besides the fact that it's low carb and Keto friendly — is that each floret pulls away leaving a trail of stringy melted mozzarella.

The Instant Pot Turns Lazy Cooks Into Amazing Chefs

For people whose job, exercise regimen and social life leave little time for gourmet cooking, the Instant Pot is a shining beacon of hope. In addition to everything [slow cookers]( do, Instant Pots pressure-cook, saute, steam and more.

The Most Popular Foods on Pinterest in Each U.S. State

Here's what Pinterest users are hangry for, from Thai chicken in Washington to doughnuts in Maine, according to data recently released by the social media site.

How to Make Spicy Cauliflower Wings

Chicken wings, move aside! There’s a new "wing" in town, and it’s made with crisp cauliflower florets doused in a spicy, honey-lime sauce.

10 Dairy-Free Pizzas So Good You Won't Miss the Mozz

Here are 10 irresistible — and healthy(ish) — cheese-free pizza recipes that are so delicious you won’t even miss the mozzarella.

10 Healthy and Hearty Chili Recipes

When winter weather strikes, chili saves the day: It’s comforting, filling and has enough spice to warm you from the inside out. This collection of chili recipes caters to a full spectrum of dietary needs, from vegan to paleo, with selections to satisfy an array of tastes and preferences.

How to Build a Protein Bowl You Will Love

A protein bowl is the perfect meal any time of day, including breakfast, because there’s so many ways to spin it.

Baked Salmon and Veggies for a Week's Worth of Make-Ahead Lunches

Welcome to week 2 of the 4-Week Meal-Prep Challenge. This week we're sharing baked salmon recipe with quinoa and asparagus.

How to Bake a Juicy Tender Ham

One of the best things about buying a precooked ham from your local grocery store is that baking it is so simple. You only have to heat it, making for less time in the kitchen — or more time to perfect your sides. An apple juice glaze gives the ham a subtle, sweet taste when added prior to baking the ham.

How to Heat Up a Fully Cooked Ham in a Crock Pot

While you can eat a fully cooked ham cold, heating it gives it a richer taste. You can even add seasonings or rubs to amplify the flavor. Because it heats up slowly and can lock in the moisture when heated properly, your crock pot is a perfect cooking vessel to heat your fully cooked ham.

Chicken Breast Is Not the Lean Meat We All Thought It Was

Chicken is no longer the lean meat you thought it to be. In fact, it has more fat than most ground beef.

7 Leftover Turkey Recipes to Be Thankful For

After last night’s festive Thanksgiving meal, you now have a ton of leftover turkey sitting in the fridge. What to do with it all? Don’t you worry: We have you covered with seven delicious ways to use up all that bird. From turkey pumpkin soup to turkey curry, there’s a recipe for every turkey lover in your family.