What Areas of the Brain are Affected by Schizophrenia?
Disruptions in brain structures and brain function may be catalysts for schizophrenia. Here’s what we know about how specific areas of the brain are affected.
Is Semolina Flour Gluten Free?
Wheat kernels contain three parts: the outer coating known as bran, the germ portion that contains the plant embryo and the endosperm that comprises up to 80 percent of the kernel. Wheat is milled to separate these components and recombine them in various ways to create an array of flours.
How to Deal With Anxiety by Changing Your Perspective
Everyone has anxiety at one time or another. If yours is out of control, check out these mental tools for short-circuiting that general sense of uneasiness or dread.
How to Calm Anxiety With Yoga
If you're feeling the negative effects of anxiety, here are the five best yoga poses to help relieve the symptoms and calm your nerves.
Marie Forleo Shares Her Secrets for Avoiding Burnout
Marie Forleo, host of MarieTV, knows a thing or two about having a busy life. After leaving the corporate world, Forleo launched a successful life-coaching business, which now comprises the weekly show she hosts on MarieTV, online training courses and a book. She calls herself a “multi-passionate entrepreneur.
ASMR: Is the Solution to Your Anxiety in This Weird YouTube Trend?
Autonomous sensory meridian response (aka ASMR) is a growing trend on YouTube and Instagram. Find out exactly what it is and how you can experience it for yourself.
Scared of psychopaths? Stay away from this U.S. state
The greatest amount of psychopaths in the United States are located in Washington D.C., according to new research. And yeah, it has something to do with politicians.
How Adderall Affects People That Don't Have ADHD
You may be curious about the purported benefits of taking Adderall even if you don't have ADHD. But as with any medication, you shouldn't take prescritions you doctor hasn't expressly given you.
Mark Wahlberg gets real about battling depression
Mark Wahlberg is the latest male celebrity to admit he has battled depression, revealing how he beat the blues.
10 Most Common Health Conditions
It might seem like a simple task to list the most common diseases -- but it's not, for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, there is no national or global tracking system for enumerating the occurrence of most diseases.
Ryan Reynolds shares his technique for dealing with crippling anxiety
In a new interview with the New York Times, "Deadpool" star Ryan Reynolds reveals a life-long struggle with anxiety.
10 Best Anti-Anxiety Apps That Will Help You De-Stress
Pounding heart, dry mouth, sweaty palms. While nervous jitters before a job interview or first date are common, many people suffer from severe anxiety every day, disrupting daily life and impacting their ability to connect with others.