10 Most Common Health Conditions

It might seem like a simple task to list the most common diseases -- but it's not, for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, there is no national or global tracking system for enumerating the occurrence of most diseases.

Norene Anderson
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What Are the Major Symptoms of Intellectually Disabled Adults?

According to the American Psychiatric Association, the intellectually disabled have considerable intellectual deficits as evidenced by substandard IQ scores. An IQ of less than 70 supports a diagnosis into one of the four categories of intellectual disability: mild, moderate, severe or profound.

Andrea Agnew
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Counseling Techniques for Adolescents

Many challenges and rewards come from counseling adolescents. Teenagers struggle with different issues than younger children and adults such as identity struggles, extreme peer pressure and fitting in. They often feel stuck between wanting independence and still needing guidance.

Michelle Bolyn
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How Does a Severe Bipolar Parent Affect Children?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, bipolar disorder is a severe mental illness that affects 5.7 million adults in the United States. Bipolar patients display symptoms of severe highs that are manic in nature. The disease can shift to a deep depression, causing mood instability and uneven temperament.

Julie Boehlke
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The Definition of Optimal Health

Good health is a treasure that each individual should strive to value and develop during a lifetime. As explained in the Preamble to the Constitution of the The World Health Organization, health is defined as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Alexis Jenkins
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Health Problems Caused by Mold

Molds have several deleterious effects on human health. Pathogenic (disease-causing) molds gain access to the body in several ways, including through the foods we eat, through broken skin and the air we breathe.

Jami Cooley
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Schizophrenia Types of Hallucinations

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which patients see the world differently from the rest of the population, unable “to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences, to think logically, to have normal emotional responses, and to behave normally in social situations,” according to the National Institutes o

Lia Stannard
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What Are the Causes of Sociopathic Behavior?

A person who is considered to be a sociopath has developed behaviors that violate the rights of others. Often these are criminal in nature. The "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition"

Lizette Mollinea
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Games to Play With Mental Illness Patients

According to leaders in the area of cognitive remediation, some of the most debilitating side effects of mental illness include cognitive decline in areas of memory, attention, problem-solving skills and motor speed.

Elizabeth Halper, Ph.D.
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Neurological Disorders That Have Symptoms of Electrical Shock Feelings

People can experience two types of pain. "Normal" pain in response to bodily injury, such as a bruise, sprain or burn, is called nociceptive pain. In contrast, neuropathic pain arises when the nerves that transmit pain signals are damaged.

Dr. Tina M. St. John
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Protozoan Diseases List

Protozoa are one-celled organisms that can cause diseases ranging in severity from mild to deadly. These organisms can be classified as parasitic or free-living. Parasitic protozoa are found in organisms such as ticks, flies and mosquitoes.

Leigh A. Zaykoski
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Top 10 Health Problems in America

According to the Mayo Clinic, the top health problems in America vary slightly between men and women. Men are more likely to commit suicide, and it is the eighth most common health problem for men. Men and women both need to be concerned, however, about the health problems that are common to both of them.

Michelle Kulas
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