Compulsive Liar Symptoms

It's sometimes difficult to spot a compulsive liar. It often takes time to find out that a person has a problem in this area. Many compulsive liars develop a sophisticated technique that can fool the most skeptical of people.

Jerry Shaw
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Treatment for a Pathological Liar

Pathological liars are individuals who cannot stop lying, even when there is no clear benefit for them to do so. They are unable to control their lying. Unlike normal people who lie to get out of trouble or for other common reasons, pathological liars lie just to lie.

Cristina A. Fernandez, M.S.
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Compulsive Lying in Teenagers

What starts as little white lies, small exaggerations and stretching the truth can snowball into a chronic issue for teens and parents. Take action if you think your teenager is lying consistently. Find the root of the behavior and learn how to handle the problem effectively.

Lisa Mooney
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Can You Become Sick from Overtraining?

In a time when obesity rates go up every year and product manufacturers keep coming up with more products that keep us from having to move our bodies, it doesn't seem like there could be such a thing as too much exercise. However, there is.

Melanie Greenwood
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