How Adderall Affects People That Don't Have ADHD

You may be curious about the purported benefits of taking Adderall even if you don't have ADHD. But as with any medication, you shouldn't take prescritions you doctor hasn't expressly given you.

Martin Booe
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Dosage Amounts of the Medication Amoxicillin for Children

Amoxicillin is a chemically modified version of naturally occurring antibiotic penicillin, derived from Penicillium mold. Compared to penicillin, advantages of amoxicillin include better absorption from the digestive system and effectiveness against a broader range of bacteria.

Shira Goldenholz
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The Effects of Caffeine on Medication for ADD

Vyvanse is a stimulant medication used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Like any medication, Vyvanse carries the risk of side effects and drug and food interactions. Caffeine may increase the severity of side effects caused by Vyvanse, states

Elizabeth Otto
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Ingrown Thumb Nails

Ingrown nails can occur anywhere on the body. But when the nails develop on the thumb, they can be very painful and difficult to tolerate while continuing through your daily routine.

Jonathan Croswell
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Dangers and Side Effects of Ritalin in Adults

Ritalin is the brand name for methylphenidate, a stimulant used to treat Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, in children and adults. ADHD is a psychiatric disorder characterized by inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

Michele Noonan
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ADHD Symptoms in a Baby

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, affects 4 percent to 12 percent of American school-aged children, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Although ADHD is most commonly diagnosed after children enter school, most experts agree that the tendency to develop ADHD is already present at birth.

Stewart Brently
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What Is the Largest Daily Dose of Adderall?

Adderall, a stimulant medication made of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salts, is used to treat the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the sleep disorder narcolepsy.

Karen Holcomb
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Activities to Improve Focus in Children Ages Three to Four

While a 3- or 4-year-old child can't yet sit and pay attention for extend periods of time, developing focus and concentration is vital for later classroom success. As your child grows closer to starting school, focus-building is a must for kindergarten readiness. According to clinical psychologist Dr.

Eliza Martinez
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Symptoms of ADD in Adolescent Males

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that presents itself in childhood; however, children can go undiagnosed and untreated for many years. Many people wonder about the difference between ADD, attention-deficit disorder, and ADHD.

Michelle Bolyn
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How to Make Your Own Nasal Saline

A simple salt water nasal spray or wash is a natural, non-medicated treatment for dry nasal passages or congestion that accompanies the common cold. Non-medicated saline sprays and drops are widely available at pharmacies, big-box stores and supermarkets, but it is easy to make your own at home.

Erica Roth
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How Can I Ease Vomiting in a 9-Month-Old Baby?

Vomiting occurs frequently in infants and small children. Viral and bacterial infections most often cause vomiting, but acute allergic reactions and chronic conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux can also cause vomiting in an 9-month-old baby.

Sharon Perkins
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Pycnogenol for ADHD

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a developmental condition that mostly affects children, although adults can suffer from it, too. It is characterized by inattentiveness, impulsive behavior and concentration problems.

Charlotte Waterworth
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