Signs That You Can't Have a Baby

Not being able to have a baby is considered infertility. According to MedlinePlus, infertility is defined as not conceiving a child after one full year of trying frequently. There are many factors that can affect fertility and there are numerous signs that you can’t have a baby.

How to Tell the Difference Between Gas Bubbles and the Baby Moving

You might have difficulty telling the difference between your baby's movements and gas bubbles and knowing what to watch for can help you determine which is which.

Signs of an Intellectually Disabled Baby

According to the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAFP), two to three percent of infants are have developmental disabilities. Chromosomal abnormalities, genetic syndromes, birth injuries and environmental factors can cause intellectual disabilities.

How to Get a 3-Month-Old to Sleep On His Own

You might feel joy when you cradle your baby until he falls asleep, but at some point it's beneficial for you and your baby if he learns to fall asleep on his own. Babies who can fall asleep on their own are better able to soothe themselves back to sleep should they wake up in the middle of the night.

What Are the Dangers of Diluted Baby Formula?

Baby formula is expensive, and a hungry baby can gobble up 30 or more ounces per day, costing parents as much as $3,000 per year, or more if their baby needs specialized formula.

What Are the Causes of Swollen Testicles in Infants?

Infant males often have swollen testicles. Testicular swelling present at birth may be related to the birth process and vanishes within a few days.

The Effects of Child Care on Infants

Working parents often place their infants in child care centers or have a caretaker watch them. Hara Estroff Marano, a Psychology Today writer, reports that researchers have found an array of effects on babies who are in non-parental care for at least 10 hours per week.

Development of a 16-Month-Old Baby

Children develop motor, language, cognitive and sensory skills at their own pace, but there are typical developmental milestones you can look for at different ages to see how your child is doing in each of these areas. At 16 months, your child is leaving infancy behind and becoming a toddler.

Neck Development in Babies

The development of the neck in babies is an important step in reaching all of the developmental milestones of infancy. A newborn starts out with very little control over his neck, leading him to resemble a rag doll at times and requiring parents to support his fragile head and neck until he begins to develop control.

How to Get a Gassy Baby to Sleep at Night

A gassy baby who is feeling pain and misery can keep everyone in the household awake. Treating the problem by easing baby's bloating makes for a happier baby who can settle down to sleep more easily.

Normal Breathing Rate for a Newborn

Full-term babies normally come out of the womb ready to breathe on their own, but the way your baby breathes might alarm you at times. Newborns normally breathe faster than older children and adults do. They might also have more irregular breathing patterns.

How Do I Get Your Newborn to Sleep in a Crib?

Newborn babies are an absolute joy. And while most newborns sleep about 14 to 18 hours every day, parents often face many challenges getting them to sleep. Though it’s sometimes easy for a newborn baby to fall asleep in the your arms, the challenge comes when trying to put a baby in a crib to sleep.