Chrissy Teigen and Postpartum Depression — Why Her Honesty Is so Important

Postpartum depression affects up to one in five women. Chrissy Teigen's depression after the birth of her baby shows that anyone can experience this serious condition that requires medical attention.

How Much B-6 Can You Take to Dry Up Breast Milk?

Stopping your breast milk supply once it’s been established can be an uncomfortable process. Your breasts will still become engorged as production tapers off, requiring you to express milk to reduce your risk of developing mastitis.

What Vegetables Don't Cause Gas While Breastfeeding?

A well-balanced diet and proper hydration can help keep you and your breast-feeding baby healthy. Although vegetables provide rich amounts of vital nutrients and water, the American Pregnancy Association recommends avoiding certain varieties to prevent excessive gassiness in your little one.

Does Drinking One Glass of Wine While Breast Feeding Harm a Baby?

Drinking any alcohol while you are pregnant could seriously harm your baby, but drinking just one glass of wine while breastfeeding probably is safe for your newborn, according to La Leche League International.

The Average Length and Weight of Newborns

Knowing if your baby measures up to the average length and weight of a newborn baby is something most parents are curious about. While many moms and dads are eager to hold their baby, they are also curious about the health and size of their newest addition.

The 15 Best Foods for Nursing Moms

Breastfeeding is one of the most nutritionally demanding times in a woman's life, particularly during the first three months of lactation, says Karlene Karst, a registered dietician, health specialist and author of "The Metabolic Syndrome Program."

Normal Weight Range of a One Month Old

Weight gain is one of many indicators of good health in a newborn baby. Slow weight gain can be a sign of an underlying problem, according to Children’s Hospital Boston. That said, sometimes a perfectly healthy baby has a natural growth pattern that is slower than normal.

Warning Signs for Newborns

Birth is a stressful event for a newborn. Newborns must make many physiologic adaptations immediately after birth, and any number of things can occur at that time. The circulatory system changes, a new oxygen source must be utilized, and the newborn must learn to coordinate sucking and swallowing to obtain nutrition.

Characteristics of a Premature Baby

Depending on how early delivery occurs during pregnancy, a premature baby can have different characteristics than a full-term baby. Over time, the characteristics become less noticeable.

A List of Skin Care Ingredients That Shouldn't Be Used While Breastfeeding

Although a woman may not have reactions to ingredients in skin-care products prior to being pregnant, she needs to consider all the potentially harmful ingredients in the products during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

How to Gain Weight While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a nutritionally demanding period of a woman’s life. While you breastfeed, your body requires enough nutrients to support your needs as well as your baby’s needs.

The Effect of Human Contact on Newborn Babies

Newborn babies are experiencing everything for the first time, including their first touch from mom and dad. This early contact helps promote healthy psychological and physical development. Lack of physical contact can prevent normal development and can even lead to higher rates of illness or death in infants.