How to Get Newborn Babies to Sleep at Night

Newborns sleep up to 16 hours a day, according to KidsHealth, but it doesn’t always feel like that to new moms and dads when they are up feeding, changing, rocking and walking the floor with a baby in the middle of the night.

Abnormal Behavior in Newborns

It's often difficult for novice parents to accurately judge whether their newborn baby's behavior falls within the range of normal. Even perfectly normal newborn movements, sounds and behavior can seem odd to nervous first-time mothers and fathers.

When a Child Is Vomiting Is It OK to Give Them Milk?

Vomiting due to a virus -- also known as gastroenteritis -- can be a common yet upsetting condition in children. When your child experiences a vomiting episode, your chief priority is to keep him hydrated while the virus runs its course.

Home Remedies to Help Babies Stop Breast-Feeding

Breast-feeding has numerous proven health benefits for your baby, but in some cases you can't -- or don't want to -- continue breast-feeding.

What Should I Do to Protect My Newborn When I Am Sick?

Without a fully developed immune system, you newborn runs the risk of catching whatever bug is currently ailing you. Although spreading an illness to your infant is likely during close encounters such as feeding, bathing changing or simply rocking your little one, you can reduce the risk by taking a few basic steps.

How to Get Your Baby to Unlatch Without Hurting You

Breastfeeding may be natural, but it doesn't always come easily to new moms. Getting the baby to latch on properly and then to release the nipple when he's done prevents injury to the nipple. If breastfeeding causes pain, you may become fearful of nursing.

What Are the Causes of Newborns Not Eating?

Newborns need to eat every few hours, since their stomachs don't hold very much milk at one time. It may take a few days for your baby to wake up and start eating normally after birth. A newborn that suddenly stops eating after that needs medical evaluation, unless you're offering feedings too close together.

Green Beans and Solid Foods With Baby Constipation

If your baby has dry, hard stools, she may be constipated. Babies follow their own schedules for defecation; you cannot identify irregularity by comparing your baby's bowel movements to a typical schedule for other children. However, if your baby defecates less often than is usual for her, she may need to see a doctor.

Is It Normal if My Newborn's Face Gets Red When She Is Moving Around?

Since newborns seem so small and fragile, it is natural to worry about your baby's health and safety. If your newborn develops a red face while she is moving around, you may think something is wrong. In most cases, however, your newborn's red face is normal and doesn't indicate a serious problem.

How Should You Carry Breast Milk in a Diaper Bag?

Breast milk is healthy for your baby and safe to carry in a diaper bag. Breast milk contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. It also contains living cells called leukocytes that help fight infection. These are not found in baby formula.

Breastfeeding & Extreme Fatigue

Breastfeeding is a healthy feeding decision that supplies your infant with the nutrients and antibodies he needs for his health, and to protect him from certain illnesses. The website Women's Health, a service of the U.S.

How to Avoid Getting Newborn Sick When a Toddler is Sick

For young parents, few things are more distressing than having a sick toddler. However, one of them is having a sick toddler at the same time as you have a newborn. Managing to care for both children, while minimizing the risk to your infant, is a tall order.