Conflict & Jealousy Between Sisters

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of," says Amy Li, in "Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul," which sums up the complex sister relationship perfectly.

How a Pet Can Make or Break Your Relationship

There should be a word for that moment when you realize your relationship is over. For me, that moment could be summarized in one syllable: dog. I adored my foster dog, Zoe, immediately, but my boyfriend really, really didn’t. With that, our bond began crumbling, and months later we broke up.

How 16 Celebrity Couples Keep Their Relationships Healthy

When it comes to keeping a relationship healthy and happy, these Hollywood stars have some wisdom to offer.

How Do I Handle My Daughter's Abusive Relationship?

Watching your daughter suffer at the hands of an abuser is a painful experience for any parent - here is some advice.

Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux and Other Celebrity Exes Who Stayed Friends

These 10 celebrity couples managed to "consciously uncouple" while keeping their friendship intact.

Amazon Will House the Homeless in Its Headquarters

Amazon has just announced that it will transform a large part of its Seattle headquarters into a permanent homeless shelter.

8 Ways a Dog Will Change Your Life

Owning a dog requires a great deal of responsibility, but in return you’ll get love, devotion and one of the most rewarding relationships you could ever have.

How Moms Hurt Our Self-Esteem

LIVESTRONG.COM hosted some of Instagram’s most inspiring fitness and wellness influencers to learn about their journeys toward body acceptance. Surprisingly, many of them began having insecurities over their body images at a young age because of their relationship with their mothers.

How to Deal With Difficult Family During the Holidays

The advertising industry would have you believe that [family gatherings]( around the [holidays](https://www.livestrong.

12 Things Your Parents Were Right About

It seems as if parents have a cliché for every occasion. How many times did you roll your eyes while your mom imparted the wisdom she gained from walking to school 10 miles uphill in the snow? Well, turns out mom and dad were right about a lot.

4 Causes of Family Conflict

Family harmony provides a sense of belonging and a feeling of security unlike many other types of relationships. When conflict arises, it threatens that security.

Types of Listening Skills

You probably hear commands such as "Listen to me!" during interpersonal communications, but the speaker wants you to hear what he is saying, and to interpret his meaning. Context and relationship define the type of listening -- active, empathic, critical or enjoyment -- that is most effective in any given situation.