What Are the Functions of Protein in the Human Body?
Your body uses many different types of proteins for metabolism, including maintaining your bones and muscles, supporting your immune system and providing energy.
Foods to Avoid With Anemia
Anemia describes a condition in which red blood cells are less able to carry oxygen around the body.
What You Need to Know About Mucus in Stool
While finding mucus in your stool can be alarming, some mucus in the stool is normal. Mucus has a jelly-like quality and can be either white or yellowish in color. Its function is to coat and protect our gastrointestinal tract, lungs, sinuses, and throat.
Can Certain Foods Increase Blood in the Human Body?
Blood consists of red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma -- the liquid component in the blood. Concerns about ways to increase blood in the body are typically referring to the plasma and red blood cells, as these make up the largest part of the blood.
What Are the Benefits of Cranberry Juice for Women?
Native to North America and some parts of Europe, cranberries have been cultivated for centuries. While these tart berries can be consumed in their natural form, they are often processed and sold as juice. Cranberry juice provides a number of important health benefits -- especially for women.
12 Life Secrets From People Who Have Lived the Longest
In early 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that Americans are living longer than ever, with life expectancies continuing to increase annually.
10 Healthy Habits That Are Destroying Your Teeth
Read on to learn how otherwise healthy habits can affect your teeth and gums and what to do to keep them strong.
What Happens During an Adrenaline Rush?
An adrenaline rush occurs during a fight-or-flight reaction, which involves the brain, nervous system and adrenal glands. The reaction prepares the body for a short-term burst of strenuous physical activity.
4 Weird Ways Your Body Warns You Something Is Wrong
Here, we dive into four such of them — sweat, blood, snot and urine — to decode whether you’re healthy or if your body’s trying to tell you something.
Here's What Texting Is Doing to Your Neck and Spine - and How to Fix It!
It turns out that texting while standing has its health drawbacks. Here's what bending our necks forward to look at our smartphones does to our spines.
Best Ways to Get Water Out of a Plugged Ear
If you suspect water is in your ears, avoid using cotton swabs or earplugs as they might push the water in further. Instead, try one of these tricks to get water out of your ears.
Yes, Women Were Viking Warriors Too, Thank You Very Much
A DNA test confirms that a skeleton of a Viking Warrior previously thought to belong to a male, is actually that of a women.