Can Certain Foods Increase Blood in the Human Body?

Blood consists of red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma -- the liquid component in the blood. Concerns about ways to increase blood in the body are typically referring to the plasma and red blood cells, as these make up the largest part of the blood.

Nancy Clarke
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How Do the Quadriceps Work & Benefit the Human Body?

The quadriceps are a set of four muscles at the front of the thigh. They're instrumental in leg strength and function.

Linda Ray
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Oblique Muscle Strain Symptoms

The oblique muscles make up 2 of the 4 abdominal muscle groups in the body and are separated into internal and external segments. These core muscles play an important role in many common activities, including sitting, standing and walking.

Tim Petrie
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Relationship Between Salt & Dehydration in the Human Body

When your body loses more fluid, such as that lost through sweating, than you consume, dehydration results. Many people experience mild dehydration from time to time. However, profound dehydration leads to serious and sometimes critical electrolyte imbalances, including that of sodium.

Erika Henritz
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What Role Do Lipids Play in the Human Body?

Lipids are fats. In the body they take the form of phospholipids, cholesterol and fatty acids. Although fats play a role in obesity and disease, your body needs a certain amount of fat to function -- also known as essential body fat.

Max Whitmore
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List of Pressure Points in the Human Body

Pressure points are specific sensitive areas on the surface of the body. You can exploit a pressure point for many uses. Martial artists quickly disable attackers by using a simple but forced push on a pressure point. Stimulation of pressure points also helps to relieve pain and assists in massage therapy.

James Highland
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How Can a Lack of Protein Affect a Person?

Protein is a found throughout the human body in muscle, bones, hair, nails, skin and enzymes. It is the main structural component of the cells in our body. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of protein.

Debra McKenzie
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How to Strengthen Your Spleen Function

The spleen serves many purposes, from aiding in digestion to producing chemicals that destroy and recycle old blood cells. It’s also your personal blood bank in case of serious blood loss. If not working properly it causes many ailments such as obesity, bloating, muscle weakness, loose stool and constipation.

Jeff Herman
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Best Sleeping Positions for Muscle Strains

The pain of a muscle strain can make sleeping a challenge. Finding a comfortable position is one consideration, but it's even more important to avoid postures that may aggravate the injury or delay the recovery. Keeping a few simple concepts in mind can help ensure that the chosen sleep posture helps in healing.

Ron Rogers
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How To Wear High Heels Without Pain - And Our Top 5 Brands

High heels can not only be painful, but also cause health problems. Here's a guide to help you choose heels that won't hurt.

Kate Bayless
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How to Exercise Tight Knee Tendons

Tightness in your knees can be irritating since it interferes with simple tasks like walking and sitting. The sensation of tight knee tendons is often due to tightness throughout the muscles that are connected to tendons.

Erin Saether
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Exercises That Strengthen Your Tibialis Posterior

The tibialis posterior muscle is the leg muscle that points the foot down and in, and it plays a key role in keeping the arch of your foot stable during walking and running. Problems with this muscle can present themselves as pain on the inside of the ankle, a collapsing arch or difficulty standing on your toes.

Meredith Victor
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