Khloe Kardashian Shares Her Pregnancy Workout — And It's No Joke!

Khloé Kardashian is making sure her pregnancy is as healthy as possible, and one of the ways she is doing that is by working out like a boss!

Glutes Cramping

Glute cramps can stop you in your tracks and hinder future workouts. Take care to avoid and treat the painful cramps.

The 10 Best Post-Pregnancy Workouts

Much like a healthy diet, an effective fitness routine after pregnancy can help ensure your short- and long-term wellness.

12 Questions to Ask Your Doctor If You're Pregnant (or Want to Be)

If you're like many pregnant woman — or women who plan to get pregnant — you probably have a cacophony of questions swarming inside your head about the whole process.

The 11 Best Foods to Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy

Second to having and caring for a healthy, happy baby, many mothers set their sights on shedding excess pounds soon after labor. Slow down there, mama! The National Library of Medicine recommends waiting at least six weeks after childbirth before attempting to lose weight to allow your body time to recover.

Best Foods to Eat While on Your Period

Most women experience symptoms of bloating, fatigue, cramps, headache, digestive problems and mood swings before and during their menstrual cycle. One of the best ways to prevent and treat these symptoms is via a healthy diet, which can also aid general health and overall well-being.

How to Prevent Sagging Skin After Pregnancy

Sagging skin is a result of changes in a woman's body during pregnancy. Sagging skin cannot be prevented entirely but it can be controlled. Skin sags after being stretched during pregnancy. Stretching is caused by the hormonal fluctuations in a pregnant woman's body.

4 Ways to Detect and Treat Gallstones in Pregnancy

As if you didn't have enough on your mind during pregnancy, your risk of gallbladder problems, including gallstones, increase while you await baby-to-be.

4 Ways to Determine and Treat Abnormal Amniotic Fluid Levels

Amniotic fluid is what fills that comfy pool your baby-to-be floats, flips, and lounges around in for nine months. Aside from cushioning him from trauma, it also helps to maintain a constant temperature in the womb, prevents against infection, and supplies him with plenty of nourishment.

What Are the Symptoms at 3 Weeks Pregnant?

At three weeks pregnant, you are about one week from your expected period. During week three of pregnancy, your baby is a tiny ball of rapidly dividing cells called a blastocyst. At the end of this week, it will attach to the uterine wall.

Causes of Light Bleeding During the First Month of Pregnancy

Light bleeding in early pregnancy can actually be quite normal, but it may be startling to an expectant mother. Some women may not realize they are even pregnant in the first month. The American Pregnancy Association recommends wearing a pad or pantyliner to assist in monitoring the amount of blood that is shed.

Medical Symptoms of Being Tired & Dizzy

Fatigue and dizziness are symptoms that can be related to many medical conditions, such as treatment for cancer, substance abuse, alcoholism, altitude sickness, or strict dieting.