How to Teach Children to Have Positive Attitudes
In a world filled with negativity, violence and suffering, a positive attitude can make life more manageable. Although it's impossible to fully control life events, you can control your reactions to what happens. This attitude enables you to develop the strength to deal with life’s challenges.
How to Handle a Mean Child
A child who acts mean is demonstrating that something is wrong. His anger and aggression are symptoms of an underlying problem.
The Pros and Cons of Having Kids
Before having children, prospective parents should consider how this decision will change their lives. Parenting is never easy and does lead to significant lifestyle changes, which some new parents find difficult to adjust to.
The Definition of Parent Involvement
Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when it comes to schooling and her child's life. Some schools foster healthy parental involvement through events and volunteer opportunities, but sometimes it's up to the parents to involve themselves with their children's education.
The Pros and Cons of Child Discipline
Parents discipline their children in an effort to teach them appropriate ways to behave. Their morals and values are also conveyed through appropriate discipline techniques.
The Impact of Sports in Young Children
Over the past few decades, children are engaging less in unstructured games and free play and more in organized sports. Parents should carefully consider how being involved in sports will affect their children, especially when their children are young.
Can You Help Kids Grow Taller?
Your child's maximum height is determined by genetics. Kids generally end up between the average of their parents' heights and the height of the parent of the same sex. He may also follow your growth pattern, so if you had your growth spurt later in your teen years, he may also shoot up around the same time.
Booster Seat Age, Height and Weight Requirements
Safety is a top priority for families on the road. Young children quickly graduate from five-point harnesses to booster seats that allow for the use of a regular seat belt.
Creative Punishments for Youth Forgetting Homework
If you've gotten yet another call from your child's school reporting that he's forgotten his homework, you're probably out of patience. Whether your child is forgetful or just doesn't want to do his homework, he needs to get it done anyway.
Family Factors That Influence Students' Behavior in School
When a child misbehaves or fails to meet expectations at school, the child’s home and family life should be considered. Several family factors can affect a child’s behavior and ability to perform in the classroom.
Is Sand Dangerous for a Toddler to Eat?
If you watch a child at the beach or in the sandbox, you might see him crunching on a few grains, either accidentally or on purpose. Some kids -- and adults -- crave non-nutritive substances like sand. But sand in the sandbox or on the beach is often a favored litter box for outside cats or other animals.
Are Suckers Dangerous for Toddlers?
Suckers, also known as lollipops, seem so innocent. And from the bank to the restaurant and even the doctor's office, many businesses are eager to hand your child a lollipop to reward good behavior. Before allowing your toddler to eat the lollipop, first consider the dangers this candy can pose.