How to Get a Hyper Child to Bed

Although you’re exhausted by bedtime, your child seems to be bouncing off the walls when he is supposed to be getting ready for sleep. His excess energy means you get to deal with extra delays and protests. How is he supposed to get enough sleep when he’s so hyper?

Christa Miller
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Does Sugar Permanently Stunt Growth in Children?

How tall your child grows is largely a matter of genetics, but nutrition plays an important role, too. Without a healthy, balanced diet, your child may not grow normally, explains Jo Anne Hattner, registered dietitian and pediatric specialist at the American Dietetic Association, in Parents magazine.

Holly L. Roberts
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Adverse Effects of Children Falling Asleep to Music

It may sound harmless -- letting your child drift off to dreamland on the wings of music -- but constantly relying on certain sounds to incite sleepiness could have a few drawbacks.

Kay Ireland
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Lethargic Symptoms in Kids

If your child is normally full of energy, showing symptoms of lethargy can make you concerned he is experiencing an underlying medical condition. While lethargy resembles fatigue, it is typically accompanied by an underlying cause beyond missing a few minutes of sleep per night.

Rachel Nall
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Night Tremors in Children

Nightmares and night terrors are common for small children, but night tremors are a rare occurrence. Night tremors may or may not be a cause for medical concern, but parents should note symptoms and consult a medical professional.

Jule Rizzardo
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My One Year Old Is Suddenly Waking During the Night

While most people expect short sleep cycles with newborn babies, the resumption of night wakings in previously sound-sleeping toddlers comes as a nasty surprise for many parents. Assuming your child is healthy and teething is not especially severe, look for causes related to developmental and environmental factors.

Meredyth Glass
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How to Keep Kids Lunches Warm

Children can be picky eaters. When it comes to packing a school lunch, most parents opt for sandwiches, pudding or fruit cups, and other non-perishable items. Many cold foods can be kept cold by the use of an insulated lunch box or by using ice packs.

Michelle Zehr
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How Often Should I Check a Sleeping Child's Fever?

When your child is battling a fever-causing illness, you want him to get as much sleep as he needs. It can be difficult for a parent to go the whole night without knowing whether the child's fever has broken, but in general, ensuring a sound sleep is more important than monitoring his temperature.

Bridget Coila
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Excessive Yawning in Children

Yawning, a normal human activity that also occurs in many animals, affects even in fetuses as early as 11 weeks after conception. Yawns occur involuntarily; a person can’t force themselves to yawn or stop a yawn once it starts. The causes of yawning are not well understood.

Sharon Perkins
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Is There Something Natural I Can Give My Child to Help Sleep Through the Night?

An ideal scenario would be a child willing getting into bed, immediately snuggling down and falling instantly asleep without any cajoling or pleading from parents.

Kay Uzoma
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Reasons Why a One-Year-Old Cannot Sleep

The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that one-year-old toddlers are in need of about 10 to 13 hours of sleep per day. When your one year old is waking through the night or will not fall asleep, this has adverse effects on his health and demeanor.

Kerry L Williams
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How to Help a 9-Year-Old Child Sleep

When a 9-year old is having trouble falling asleep at night, there can be many factors involved. School stress, social pressures, over stimulation, poor diet, or anxiety may contribute to inability to fall asleep. Young pre-teens may experience a completely normal hormonal shift that causes difficulty sleeping.

Sara Clement
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