10 Easy On-the-Go Breakfasts (And They're Healthy Too!)

Everyone knows about the importance of breakfast. Enjoying it regularly may help keep your weight in check and make your diet better overall, especially when compared with those who skip breakfast. But not everyone makes it a priority.

9 Sweet Oatmeal Toppings That Will Transport You to a Bakery

There’s nothing like a comforting bowl of oatmeal to warm you on chilly mornings. Oats are not only one of the best sources of soluble fiber (the type that keeps you full and helps control your cholesterol levels), but they’re also incredibly easy to cook. But a bowl of plain oatmeal can be awfully bland.

What 16 Nutritionists Eat for Breakfast

Breakfast: The most important meal of the day. Or so the old adage goes. There is good research to support the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast -- benefits that span from physical (weight management and improved energy) to emotional (better mood) to mental (clearer thinking and memory retention).

Girl Scout Cookie Cereal, aka Your Next Big Diet-Buster, Arrives in January

If it wasn’t already hard enough to say no to the sweet Girl Scouts of America during cookie selling season there is now Girl Scout Cookie Cereal.

2-Minute Gluten-Free Paleo Pumpkin Microwave Muffins

These 2-minute microwave pumpkin muffins are easy to bake. Follow the instructions for a tasty treat that will take you no time to make.

How to Convert All-Purpose Flour to Bread Flour

A good bread recipe can inspire you to plan an evening of baking that results in the wonderful smell of fresh bread wafting through your home. Many bread recipes call for bread flour, and you might have only all-purpose flour on hand.

How to Process Raw Wheat to Flour

While manufacturers commonly bleach and process commercial flour, you can control every step of the milling when you grind your own flour. Home grinding lets you decide on a coarse texture for rustic whole-wheat breads or a finer flour for tender baked goods.

Whole Wheat Bread vs. White Bread for Muscle Building

Protein may get a lot of attention as a muscle-building nutrient, but you need carbohydrates for energy to help you meet your lean-body goals. Bread is a good source of carbohydrates, but not all types are equally beneficial.

Sugar Content in Brown Rice Vs. Wheat Bread

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's minimum daily recommended consumption of grain for adults is 6 to 8 ounces with at least 3 to 4 ounces coming from whole grains. Whole grains provide important nutrients and reduce the risk of many ailments, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

How to Cook Pinhead Oatmeal

A bowl of pinhead oatmeal is a healthy and hearty breakfast choice. With 150 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein in each quarter-cup serving, it provides the fuel your body needs to start the day.

Making Hard Bagels Soft

The perfect bagel is a mix of soft and chewy. It's heavenly on day one. It's acceptable to eat on day two. But by day three, you may break a tooth trying to eat it for breakfast. When bread dehydrates, it becomes stale. Fortunately, there are several tricks that you can employ to soften a hard bagel.

Baking With Almond, Rice & Coconut Flour

Gluten-free flours, such as almond, rice and coconut flours, don't behave the way traditional, wheat-based flours do.