Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 30: Finish Strong and Take Your Victory Lap

You've made it! Celebrate your progress to a healthier you. Stay motivated and maintain the habits you've picked up. And remember to share your progress with us!

Is Whey Protein Powder Bad for Toddlers?

Whey protein provides all the essential amino acids and is easy to digest, although supplemental protein for toddlers usually isn't needed.

Benefits of Black Grapes in Weight Loss

Black grapes make a healthy addition to any weight-loss diet. They're low in calories and rich in nutrients, and their sweetness can satisfy most cravings.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 28: Keep Your Goals on Track

You're near the end of your journey! You haven't been on a fad diet or short-term workout regimen. This is no temporary fix. Welcome to a new, healthier life!

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 27: Do You Really Need Supplements?

Walking down the supplement aisle at your health food store can be overwhelming. So let us break down which supplements you should consider and which aren't worth your time or money.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 26: Creative Ideas for Guilt-Free Rewards

What's your idea of a treat? It doesn't have to be food-based. Consider some of these alternatives to reward yourself for a job well done.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 25: Do "Cheat Day" the Smart Way

Cheat meals can actually help you to reach your long term weight loss goals, but only when had in moderation.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 23: How to Enjoy a Cocktail (and Coffee!) While Staying on Track

Healthy living doesn't mean cutting alcohol and caffeine out of your diet completely. Knowing what's in your drinks can help you decide if it's worth it.

Side Effects of High Protein Diets on the Skin & Eyes

Diets high in protein are often correlated with skin problems that show as the Prurigo pigmentosa rash, which can be resolved by eating more carbohydrates.

Does Rice Make You Gain Weight?

To avoid rice weight gain, stick to a half-cup serving. Avoid refined white rice, and choose whole-grain varieties such as brown, black and wild rice.

13 DOs and DON’TS of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting can be a great way to get healthy and in shape, but make sure you pay attention and do it the right way.

Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar & Weight Loss

Although some research suggests that Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar may have a beneficial affect on weight loss, the overall body of evidence isn't significant to substantiate those claims.