What Really Determines How Much You Weigh?

You may have noticed in your weight-loss (or weight-gain) efforts that you body tends to stick around a certain weight range. So what gives? Here's what science tells us.

Should I Workout at the Gym Before or After Breakfast?

Whether you workout before or after breakfast makes little difference for casual exercise. When training, there may be a benefit to fasting before exercise.

Average American Woman's Weight and Height

The average height and weight of women varies around the world, but in the United States, the average adult female height was 63.7 inches (approximately 5 feet 3 inches) and 168.5 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ideal Weight for 5'6 Female

The medical community uses the terms "desirable weight" and "ideal weight" interchangeably and assesses both via weight-for-height tables such as the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company's weight-for-height table and the body mass index table, according to the textbook "Essentials for Health and Wellness."

How to Calculate Percentages Into Grams

You can convert the percentages of fats, carbohydrates and proteins of your diet into the number of grams of each of these calorie sources. This will also require you to know the number of calories you can consume each day.

Eating and Exercise Tips for Your 60s

If you're over 60, here are some important things to be aware of to ensure that you enjoy greater health and quality of life.

Eating and Exercise Tips for Your 50s

Today’s 50-somethings have benefited from better nutrition, health care and quality of life. That said, here are a few things you need to be aware of...

Ideal Weight for Women Over 60

There isn't one weight that's ideal for every woman over age 60. What a woman should weigh depends on a number of factors, including her height and frame size. It's also possible to be of a normal weight but have a high of body fat percentage, which can sometimes happen as women get older and lose muscle mass.

The 5 Worst States for Obesity and the 5 Best

At least 20 percent of the adult population in each U.S. state is obese, according to new research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means that at least one in five adults per U.S. state -- or 36.5 percent of total Americans -- struggles with obesity.

20 Fat-Loss Secrets

Eat less and exercise more. That’s the simple solution to anyone’s weight-loss questions. But if it were really that easy, more people would be in great shape. Turns out, some of your other behaviors play a big role in fat loss.

The Best Exercise and Eating Advice for Your Body Type

It’s not so much which exercises you do, it’s how you structure your workouts, taking into account exercise order, reps performed and rest periods taken.

The Average Weight & Height for a 16-Year-Old

The high school years are full of transition for teens. Not only are they learning how to drive, manage school, make friends, and work, they are also growing in height and weight. Even at 16, both boys and girls are still experiencing growth sports -- some more than others.