Taro Bubble Tea Nutrition

Taro is a root that is used for flavoring in a variety of foods and drinks such as boba, or bubble, tea. Boba tea is a cold beverage made from tea that also contains tapioca pearls, which have a chewy consistency.

Jodi Thornton-O'Connell
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The Health Benefits of Sparkling Mineral Water

With its refreshing effervescence, sparkling water already has a leg up on plain, old still water. In addition to keeping you hydrated, sparkling water might have benefits to your health as a result of its mineral content.

Jody Braverman
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What's Wrong With Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte?

Do its many fans know that Starbucks' PSL contains carageenan and mono- and diglycerides? It also cannot be made vegan. And there's more...

Jess Barron
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5 Brunch Cocktails With Healthy Ingredients

Brunch is the perfect time to break out the cocktail shaker to celebrate the weekend. Who doesn't love a spicy Bloody Mary with eggs and toast?

Shannon Philpott
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Calories in Boba Green Tea

Boba tea, or bubble tea, is a delicacy that began in Taiwan. The drink takes green tea and combines it with tapioca pearls to provide a “chewy” consistency. Calories will vary based on the recipe.

Darla Ferrara
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The Calories in Boba Milk Tea

Boba milk tea, also known as bubble tea or tapioca tea, often contains brewed black or green tea, large tapioca pears, milk and honey. This blended, sweet drink tends to contain high levels of fat and sugar.

Nicki Wolf
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The Top 10 Beverages to Avoid

A glass of lemonade or bottled tea may sound harmless, but when you look at the added sugar and lack of nutritional value in these calorie-laden beverages, you’ll understand why they can be detrimental to your diet.

Shannon Philpott
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Why Bone Broth Is Good for You — And How to Make it at Home

For the first time in awhile, America’s hottest superfood isn’t green. In fact, it isn’t even a vegetable. Simple and affordable, bone broth is an ancient food leaving its mark on our culture.

Ariane Resnick
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A Super Chill Alternative to Alcohol & How to Drink It

The kava drink has been a staple of South Pacific cultures for ceremonial and social use for thousands of years. But it's gotten an American-style makeover and is now being touted as a healthful alternative to alcohol. Fair warning: The taste can be a bit of a shock.

Ariane Resnick
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Bubble Tea Nutrients

Bubble tea is a fad beverage introduced in Taiwan in the 1980s. It is made with tea, milk or creamer, optional fruit flavorings and fat, chewy tapioca balls called pearls, usually black and about the size of small marbles.

Benna Crawford
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Does Caffeine Make You Urinate More?

How often you have to urinate depends on how much fluid you drink and the level of stimulatory signals sent to your bladder. One substance that may make you have to urinate more often is caffeine, though caffeine's effect on urinary output diminishes with regular use.

Adam Cloe
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What Drink for Adults Is High in Electrolytes?

If you don't take in enough electrolytes, or if you lose them rapidly through sweat or urine, you may experience muscle cramps, irregular heartbeat, nausea and confusion. You need electrolytes to transmit messages throughout your nervous system, contract your muscles and maintain fluid balance.

Amy Long Carrera
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