16 Exercises From the World's Best Trainers

Most gym-goers have a general idea of what a push-up looks like or how to use the leg press machine, but what they may need advice on is deciding which exercise will make the most impact toward achieving their specific goals.

Jon Erik Kawamoto
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8 Reasons Why Women Should Lift Weights

We know: You don’t want bulging biceps or thunderous thighs.

Linda Melone
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How to Take Whey Protein to Get Bigger Arms

Whey, an amino acid found in milk, is a readily available, quickly digestible form of protein that many body builders use to decrease recovery time and build muscle.

Nicole Vulcan
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What Is a Thruster Exercise?

Exercises can be categorized as isolation or compound. An isolation exercise involves movement around a single joint and targets a relatively small number of muscles. A compound exercise involves movement around two or more joints and targets a large number of muscles.

Patrick Dale
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How to Build Dense Muscle

We all have our reasons for going to the gym. And muscle hypertrophy, or growth, is one of the main ones. To build lean, dense muscle, you must progressively overload your muscles to enhance muscle fiber recruitment. How do you do that?

Susy Sedano
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Why Do I Deflate After I Lift Weights?

After a a tough workout you may feel like your muscles are pumped up. In fact, they are. But the feeling isn't a permanent one.

Michael Scott
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Guys, Here's How to Maintain Muscle and Get Lean

If you're putting in work at the gym, but your body's just not showing it, here's exactly what you need to know to maintain muscle while getting lean.

Sara Lindberg
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12 Moves to Help Tighten Sagging Skin After Weight Loss (By Building Muscle)

If you’ve recently lost weight or had a baby, you may have noticed more sagging skin on your body than you’d like to see. While it’s not possible to actually tighten skin with exercise, it is possible to build metabolically active, lean muscle underneath the skin, which can help give the appearance of tighter skin.

Jessica Smith
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The "Burn Fat Faster" Workout

Some people love cardio -- spinning classes, long-distance runs or spending big blocks of time on the elliptical. The rest of us just want to burn body fat as quickly as possible. If that sounds like you, there’s a solution: Metabolic conditioning complexes.

Patrick Striet
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Is Swim Training a Good Cardio Workout?

Swimming gets your blood pumping, raises your heart rate, boosts your lung capacity and burns calories.

Rachel Nall
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The Best Way to Gain Lean Muscle Mass

Strength training is crucial for those who want to build muscle mass, as is following a healthy diet, avoiding weight loss and getting adequate amounts of rest.

Kathryn Vera
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The Best Things to Take to Gain Muscle

Muscle gain is one of the primary goals of weightlifting. Building muscle mass is a process requiring an investment in several different areas, including strength training, proper rest and supplemental nutrition.

Jonathan Croswell
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