How to Calculate Percentages Into Grams
You can convert the percentages of fats, carbohydrates and proteins of your diet into the number of grams of each of these calorie sources. This will also require you to know the number of calories you can consume each day.
20 Fat-Loss Secrets
Eat less and exercise more. That’s the simple solution to anyone’s weight-loss questions. But if it were really that easy, more people would be in great shape. Turns out, some of your other behaviors play a big role in fat loss.
12 Actors Who Massively Transformed Themselves for a Role
Ever since Robert De Niro piled on 60 pounds to play boxer Jake La Motta in 1980’s “Raging Bull,” Hollywood’s hottest talents have followed his lead, enduring extreme weight fluctuations for the sake of a plum role. Check out 12 celebrities who risked all this for their roles.
Soft Belly Fat vs. Hard Belly Fat
Being able to pinch an inch at your waistline may be upsetting to you. That pinchable fat is soft belly fat, also known as subcutaneous fat, acts as insulation and a source of energy for your body.
10 Ways to Reduce Body Fat Percentage Fast
There are no shortcuts or gimmicks to losing body fat quickly. Follow these eight steps for real, long-lasting fat loss and health.
How Females Get Six-Pack Abs
Six pack abs require commitment to a healthy, portion-controlled diet and lots of precise exercise. A woman must reduce her body fat levels for her abs to pop.
I Am Building Muscle But Not Losing Weight
Building muscle is great for your health — and your appearance — but gaining so much muscle that you don't see a difference on the scale can be frustrating.
The 3 Secrets to Losing Belly Fat
While having tight and toned abs is partly genetic, read up on the number of things that you can do today to firm, slim and define your midsection for good.
How to Jump-Start Fat Loss When All Else Fails
In addition to regular workouts and proper nutrition, here are three specific things you can do now to hack your diet and training for more successful fat loss.
How to Get Rid of "Man Boobs"
Getting rid of "Man Boobs" comes down to gaining control of your diet and committing to the proper exercise regimen.
20 Best Muscle Building Foods
Eating for muscle-building doesn't have to be bleak. If you include these foods in your diet, you'll ensure that your time spent in the gym isn't a waste of sweat.
Does Running Burn Belly Fat?
Running is an efficient tool for burning fat, including around your belly, because you lose fat throughout your body. While running helps keep your fat to a minimum, adding strength training and a lower-calorie diet will improve your chances of slimming down.