How Long Does It Take to Walk 10,000 Steps?
Walking is a great form of exercise, especially for beginners. But the time it takes to reach 10,000 steps depends on intensity of steps taken.
Language Development Activities for 2-Year-Olds
As children grow from infants to toddlers, they begin to develop language and communication skills. Kids' language development typically progresses at a rapid pace after their first 18 months.
Food to Make Finger Nails Stronger
Strong nails look good and caring for them is easy. Brittle, cracked or discolored nails can be an indication of a lack of nutrients or even health problems, like hypothyroidism. You need to take care of your body if you want it to show in your nails.
Foods That Help Toddlers Sleep
There are many reasons why toddlers might have trouble falling--and staying--asleep. They may be teething, testing limits, napping too much during the day or be frightened of the dark. One way to help a toddler who has trouble falling asleep is to add a bedtime snack that promotes sleep.
How to Teach ADHD Kids Potty Training
ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a condition characterized by lack of attention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Children with ADHD may struggle with potty training more than children without special needs due to their lack of self-control.
How to Calm a Hyper 1-Year-Old Child
Life can be very exciting for a 1-year-old. By the time your child's first birthday rolls around, she's discovered that she can propel herself using her body, figured out that different sounds mean different things and realized that the world is full of things to explore.
How to Potty Train a Stubborn 3-Year-Old
Many children need to be potty trained by the time they are 3 years old so they can go to preschool, where diapers aren't usually allowed. However, this monumental task can become one of the first major power struggles you'll engage in with your child.
How to Get Kids to Stop Wetting Their Pants
Once you have finished potty training, you may think that your days of accidents are behind you. However, some children may start wetting themselves down the road. Before you try to correct this behavior, you should rule out any medical or psychological causes.
How to Potty Train a 15-Month-Old
No parent or expert will deny the fact that potty training is difficult and requires patience and flexibility. Dr. Alan Greene explains that parents should be prepared for setbacks. Training a 15-month-old toddler to use the toilet may be possible if she exhibits several of the necessary readiness indicators. Dr.
Excessive Talking in Children
Most parents can't wait for their child's first word. But around age 3, parents often long for just a few moments of silence during the day. Many preschoolers are constant conversationalists, releasing every thought in their head in an unending stream.
Do Children Inherit Their Parents' Personalities?
Children inherit their parents' physical attributes, but scientists know less about whether they also inherit the personalities of their mother and father. Some personality traits appear to have a genetic basis, but several genes, not just one, contribute to personality.
Effect of Antibiotics on Toddlers' Behavior
While antibiotics can be a lifesaver when your toddler is sick, cranky and lethargic, they can be just as dangerous as they are helpful.