What should we do for Winter precautions for patients with hypertension?

An elevated blood pressure in a healthy person generally does not directly have serious consequences. However, patients with hypertension have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease or have already had cardiovascular disease. Therefore, blood pressure should be controlled smoothly during the cold season, and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease should be controlled to minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

Winter is coming, is your blood pressure still good?

When the winter is approaching, why is it cold? Nesting at home, three or five friends, eating a hot pot to drink a little wine, playing cards and numbness in the afternoon after eating, this sounds really the warmest thing in the cold winter.

Normal Blood Pressure Range by Age

Normal blood pressure range is important for health — here is everything you need to know about both high and low blood pressure.

Eating Beets When Taking Blood Thinning Medicine

The deep red color of some beets can show up in your urine if you eat them, and might make you think you have blood in your urine. This is particularly alarming for people who use blood-thinning medication, as bleeding is one of the risks of such a drug.

The Ideal Blood Pressure for a 52-Year-Old Male

Current medical opinion defines normal resting blood pressure for everyone over the age of 18 as lower than 120/80 mmHg.

Nutrition to Reverse High Blood Pressure

There are a number of simple nutritional and lifestyle changes that can help get your blood pressure back into a healthy range.

About Systolic & Diastolic Blood Pressure During Exercise

Blood pressure is typically measured when the body is at rest, so it can be surprising to learn how much this common vital sign changes with physical activity. In fact, exercise causes an immediate increase in blood pressure -- particularly in the systolic, or top blood pressure number.

How Long for Your Blood Pressure to Return to Normal After Running?

Running causes your heart to beat faster, which in turn causes your blood pressure to increase. This is due to the velocity at which the blood is expelled from the heart. The pace at which you run, in part, determines your blood pressure.

Normal Blood Pressure Range for Children

When the topic of blood pressure comes up, the focus is usually centered on the health effects and treatment strategies of high blood pressure, or hypertension, in adults. But children can also have abnormal blood pressure readings which can negatively impact long-term health.

Decongestants That Don't Affect Blood Pressure

Decongestants are used to reduce nasal stuffiness or congestion caused by allergies, the common cold or other infections. Nasal congestion occurs because of swelling of tissues lining the nose or the accumulation of secretions within the nose.

What Happens When Diastolic Blood Pressure Is High?

While systolic blood pressure is commonly associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, elevations in diastolic pressure also pose health risks.

What Is a Healthy Blood Pressure for a Teen?

Blood pressure in teens is interpreted using standardized charts, which are based on gender, age and height.