The Best Way to Replace Protein After Plasma Donation

Replenish protein levels after donating plasma by eating certain foods and avoiding others; but just as important is to eat well before donating blood.

Blood Type O and Wine

Although proponents of the blood type diet say type O individuals will be healthier, leaner and more energetic by following the type O guidelines, health professionals criticize the plan for not being grounded in scientific evidence.

Foods to Eat to Increase Red Blood Cells

If the results of your RBC blood test show low red blood cell production, eating foods that contain certain nutrients may help increase your RBC count.

Signs & Symptoms of High B12

Because the body doesn't store the nutrient, high B12 symptoms are rare. Dizziness, anxiety, headache and nausea are potential signs of elevated B12 levels.

The Best Cereals for Lowering Cholesterol

Years of research has shown that diets low in saturated fat and excess calories and high in fiber can reduce the levels of cholesterol in your blood. Fiber is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Diet to Raise a Chemo Patient's Blood Count

During chemotherapy, your total blood count may drop as a side effect of treatment. Anemia, or a significantly decreased number of red blood cells, can be alleviated by following a balanced diet that emphasizes protein and certain vitamins and minerals.

High Uric Acid Levels in Blood: Causes and Remedies

A high concentration of uric acid in the blood is known as hyperuricemia, which can lead to kidney stones and gout. Here's what causes it and what to do about it.

Signs and Symptoms of Severe Iron Deficiency and Anemia

Iron is an essential mineral your body needs to produce energy, store oxygen and maintain other vital body functions. When you are deficient in iron, your body cannot make enough red blood cells and you become anemic.

How to Get Protein Levels Up for Plasma Donations

Plasma is a component of blood that some medical procedures require. When donating plasma, a technician draws blood with a needle. A specialized machine then separates the red blood cells and plasma and returns the blood to you. The body often replaces donated plasma within 24 to 48 hours.

Foods That Reduce Mucus

Mucus is a thick, slippery substance secreted by glands and cells in your body. While mucus is naturally present in your body and helps protect your respiratory system, excessive mucus production can cause throat discomfort, nasal congestion and, in severe cases, breathing difficulty.

A Food List for a Diet for Reactive Hypoglycemia

Reactive hypoglycemia is low blood sugar that occurs 3 to 4 hours after eating a meal. Symptoms include hunger, weakness, shakiness, lightheadedness, anxiety and confusion, according to Reactive hypoglycemia requires a medical evaluation for a diagnosis.

G6PD Deficiency Diet

G6PD deficiency occurs when your body does not produce adequate amounts of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme that assists proper red blood cell function. This inherited condition affects about 400 million people worldwide, according to the Deployment Health and Family Readiness Library.