Pulled Abdominal Muscles Symptoms From Sit Ups

Your abdominal muscles support and enable movements of your trunk and spine. A pulled abdominal muscle refers to a tear in the muscle fibers, which can range from microscopic tearing to a complete rupture.

Katie Leigh
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Difference Between Pulled Muscles and Bruised Ribs

Chest injuries -- no matter the cause -- typically hurt a lot. If you're wondering whether you have pulled muscles or bruised ribs, you may be able to tell based on how the injury occurred and the symptoms you are experiencing. However, pulled muscles and bruised ribs may also occur together.

Aubrey Bailey
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What Can Be Done for an Inner Thigh Muscle Pull?

An inner thigh muscle pull, or groin strain, can be a very painful injury. When the inner thigh muscle is lengthened too far some of the muscle fibers break, causing a partial tear. In more severe cases it can cause a complete tear or rupture of the muscle.

Hannah Mich
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Exercises for Pulled Groin Muscles

A groin muscle pull – also known as a strain or over-stretch – can be one of the more painful and debilitating muscle injuries you can sustain. You're constantly using your groin muscles to walk, change directions, sit, stand and perform many other movements.

James Patterson
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Signs & Symptoms of a Pulled Muscle in the Arm

It's a common misconception that muscle injuries only happen to athletes -- not so. A pulled arm muscle, also known as an arm strain, can happen to anyone. This type of injury typically occurs when you're engaged in strenuous physical activity involving one or both of your arms.

Derek Smith
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Can Running Pull Rib Muscles?

Your rib cage is supported by a network of tendons and muscles that allow for the expansion and contraction of your lungs and torso movement. Running can strain muscles around the torso, particularly if your muscles are cold or you push beyond your endurance.

Christy Callahan
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Musculoskeletal Alignment in the Legs

The proper musculoskeletal alignment of the legs is extremely important for biomechanics. Muscle imbalances and poor joint functioning can lead to both acute and chronic injuries. Improper functioning of the leg mechanisms can lead to poor performance in athletics.

Tina Hatcher, MS, CPT
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Treatment for Muscle Kinks

Muscle kinks can happen for a number of reasons, including muscle strain, sleeping in an awkward position, exercising or weight lifting, stress, incorrect body positioning or poor posture. Though they are not as serious as muscle tears or bad strains, kinks can be painful and limit your movement and activity.

Beth Rifkin
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A Pulled Muscle in the Shoulder and Neck

Pulled muscles in the shoulder and neck can happen during overhead movements or heavy lifting. Even simple actions can cause neck or shoulder strain in muscles that have been stressed from overuse or poor posture.

Nancy Clarke
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A Pulled Back Muscle During Pregnancy

The muscles of the back are surprisingly strong but are meant largely to engage in continuous, low-intensity efforts. Requiring them to move quickly or contract strongly, as they must to lift a very heavy weight, can pull them, leading to painful aching and spasms.

Kirstin Hendrickson
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What to Do for a Sore Calf From Hiking

Hiking can provide a relaxing outdoor experience, but if you overdo it, you may experience soreness. A sore calf from hiking could result from trying to do too much, too quickly. The soreness is usually a sign of your body adjusting to the new activity.

Jen Morel
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Pulled Muscle From Overstretching

When you stretch, you take your muscle to the point where you can feel a slight pull and hold this position for a few seconds without pain or discomfort. However, if you stretch your muscles beyond their normal range of motion, you may experience a pulled muscle -- or muscle strain.

Michelle Zehr
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