Antihistamines for Pregnancy

Pregnant women often have enough discomfort at is it, so having to deal with a bad cold or allergies can send many pregnant women rushing to find relief. The U.S.

Elizabeth Wolfenden
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3 Periods in 1 Month and Signs of Pregnancy

It’s not possible to have three actual menstrual periods in 1 month and still have signs of being pregnant. It’s possible, however, to have three bleeding episodes that look like periods in 1 month and still be pregnant.

Sharon Perkins
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Signs Before Your First Period

Menstruation (a period) is a sign that a girl’s body is able to conceive a child. While one girl may be excited at the prospect of becoming a young woman, another may be fearful of her first period and its implication that her childhood is coming to an end.

Karen Hellesvig-Gaskell
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Progesterone Levels in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Progesterone is an important hormone in fertility and pregnancy and is sometimes called the hormone of pregnancy. It plays a vital role in developing and maintaining a healthy placenta and fetus, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Shannon Campbell
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5 Months Pregnant Symptoms

At 5 months pregnant -- about 20 weeks -- you are halfway through your pregnancy and in the middle of your second trimester. Most women experience fewer pregnancy symptoms in this trimester than in the first and third trimester.

Laura Candelaria
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Stomach & Uterus Symptoms During Pregnancy

Although many people tell children, “There’s a baby in my stomach," when they’re pregnant, they know the baby is actually growing in the uterus, the female reproductive organ.

Sharon Perkins
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Two Months Pregnant Symptoms

At week 8 of pregnancy, you enter into the final third of your first trimester. During this time, the symptoms of pregnancy -- other than missing a period -- begin to emerge. Your body is working hard to nurture a new life, producing hormones to support the pregnancy.

Dr. Meeta Shah
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Signs of a Healthy Early Pregnancy

Many pregnant women have wished for a window into the uterus, to reassure themselves that their baby-to-be is healthy. Ultrasound provides such a window and there are several signs of a healthy pregnancy that appear in the first seven weeks of pregnancy on ultrasound.

Sharon Perkins
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Signs a Baby is Dropping During Pregnancy

For expecting moms, an approaching due date brings emotions ranging from excitement to anxiety to fear. Since it's no secret that babies aren't always born on the day they're expected to, it's important for pregnant women to watch for signs that labor will soon begin.

Carissa Lawrence
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Signs of Losing a Baby During Early Pregnancy

It is estimated that up to 25 percent of all pregnancies may end in miscarriage in the first trimester. There are some signs and symptoms of possible miscarriage. It is important to realize, however, that many women who experience some, or even all, of these symptoms may go on to have a healthy baby.

Laura Candelaria
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Symptoms That Mean a Pregnant Woman Should Go to the Hospital

Pregnancy is not a medical emergency, in most cases. Outside of well-established labor, times when a pregnant woman must go to the hospital rather than calling her obstetrician are rare. However, medical emergencies do occur in pregnancy, and when they do, time is of the essence.

Sharon Perkins
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Symptoms at 28 Weeks Pregnant

At 28 weeks into your pregnancy, you are well into your second trimester. Most women report feeling wonderful around this time. The nausea, fatigue and breast tenderness have probably subsided. During the second trimester, you will notice symptoms that are much more physical in nature.

Laura Candelaria
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