Vastus Lateralis & Muscle Strain

The vastus lateralis is one of four muscles that make up the quadriceps. These muscles work together to extend the knee. The vastus lateralis is located above the knee joint, toward the outer edge of the leg. It lies beneath the iliotibial tract, which is a band of fascia that runs vertically along the outer thigh.

Erika McAuley
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Therapy for Intercostal Muscles

Physically active people are more vulnerable to strains of the intercostal muscles, located between your ribs, but twisting your body in unexpected ways can cause the injury in anyone.

Lynn Hetzler
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Neck Stretches for a Strained Muscle

Neck strain often results from improper posture or overuse.

Judy Fisk
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Stiff Calf After Doing Calf Raises

Calf raises strengthen your calf muscles, which are the soleus, gastrocnemius and plantaris. Over-exerting your calf muscles along with poor flexibility can result in calf tightness or stiffness and injury. Treatment consists of rest, ice and light stretches.

Hannah Mich
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Cause of Chills in a Warm Environment

Experiencing chills in a warm environment is a result of the muscles quickly contracting and relaxing in an attempt to increase the body’s temperature. Chills often accompany or preclude fever but may also be symptomatic of nonfever-related conditions.

Terri Williams
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Chemicals Used in a Cold Pack

Applying ice to an injury is often one of the first steps to treat sprains, strains, muscle pulls and other common injuries. Cold therapy helps to constrict the blood vessels, reduce swelling and decrease inflammation. It can also numb the area to reduce pain.

Lori Newell
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Is there an Exercise to Relieve Strained Muscles Under My Right Arm?

Exercises to relieve strained muscles under your right arm will improve the health of your axilla, otherwise known as the underarm, area underneath where your shoulder joint connects your arm. Exercises need to be done using smooth movements and no sudden jerking motions.

Crystal Welch
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Signs and Symptoms of a Pulled Groin Muscle in Women

Groin muscle strains -- sometimes called pulled muscles -- are painful injuries, caused by forceful movements of your leg, such as stepping off a curb while off balance or falling with your leg stretched out to the side. Female athletes whose sports require running, jumping and kicking are prone to these injuries.

Aubrey Bailey
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Herbs That Relax Bladder Muscles

Your bladder muscle, also known as the detrusor muscle, relaxes when the bladder is storing urine, and contracts when it is expelling urine. If your bladder muscle cannot relax, you may have an overactive bladder and bladder control problems, like incontinence, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Janet Contursi
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What Are the Treatments for Muscle Strain of One Side of the Buttocks?

Your buttocks have several layers of muscle. These muscles primarily move your hip joint, and straining them can literally be a pain in the butt. These strains typically occur on one side of the body when a muscle is overstretched or overworked.

Aubrey Bailey
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Golf & Rhomboid Strain

While lower back injuries are common among golfers, the rhomboid muscle located in the upper back can also be injured during golf. The triangular-shaped rhomboid muscle lies between the shoulder blades and connects the inside edges of the blades to the spine.

Michelle Kerns
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Can I Take Flexeril If I'm Pregnant and In Pain?

Muscle strain and backache may be common during pregnancy, but many drugs that are safe for most adults can be harmful to a pregnant woman or her fetus. Flexeril, known generically as cyclobenzaprine, is a muscle relaxant most often given for treatment of injury or muscle strain.

Melissa Lind
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