Rehab for Sprained and Twisted Knee Injuries

Knee sprains can occur during sports activities or may result from trauma, such as a fall. Sprains affect the ligaments that hold your bones together. The cartilage that provides padding between the bones in your knee is also sometimes injured.

Aubrey Bailey
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Therapy for an Injured Pectoral Muscle

Muscle strains cause tiny tears in your muscle fibers. These injuries typically occur when a muscle is overstretched.

Aubrey Bailey
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Symptoms of a Gluteus Medius Tear

The gluteus medius is an important muscle located in the buttocks that plays a crucial role in the stability as well as leveling of the hips. As a stabilizing muscle, the gluteus medius helps an individual maintain balance during hip abduction as well as internal and external rotation of the hip.

Ronaldo Dixon
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Magnesium as Muscle Relaxer

Magnesium is a mineral crucial to the proper function of your muscles, kidneys and heart. It is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Only 1 percent of your bodily magnesium is in your bloodstream, while a majority is stored in your cells and bones.

Ryan Haas
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Rehab for a Deltoid Injury

Your deltoid is the large layer of muscle that covers your shoulder. The deltoid is the first layer of muscle underneath your skin and helps you lift your arm over your head. Deltoid injuries include strains and tears of the muscle.

Erica Roth
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Exercise I Can Do With a Strained Calf

A strain takes place when muscle fibers get overstretched and slightly torn. This injury is less severe than a pull, which causes larger tears in the muscle. Pain and tightness in the affected muscle are the most common symptoms of a strain.

Kevin Rail
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Quadratus Lumborum Muscle Strain Symptoms

A pulled muscle in the back commonly affects the quadratus lumborum. This large, triangular-shaped back muscle is responsible for movement of the spinal column, so muscle strain here results in obvious symptoms that restrict mobility.

Nancy Clarke
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How to Relax the PC Muscle

The pubococcygeus muscle, generally referred to as the PC muscle, is pivotal to genital functioning in both sexes. This muscle runs from the pubic bone to the tail bone, also known as the coccyx. The failure of this vital muscle to relax as necessary can cause significant problems--often in multiple body areas.

Simon Stirling
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5 Things You Need to Know About Thigh Muscle Strain

When you refer to the muscles of your thigh, you are not simply referring to one muscle. Your thigh is actually made up of three muscles: hamstrings in the back, adductor muscles along the insides and quadriceps (the large muscle in the front).

Livestrong Contributor
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Signs & Symptoms of a Strained Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

The sternocleidomastoid, or SCM, muscle originates on the breastbone and attaches to the collarbone and the temporal bone on the back of the skull. You have one SCM on each side of your neck. These muscles tilt and rotate your head to the right and left. Sudden movements, such as whiplash, can cause SCM injury.

Julia Michelle
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Bicep Muscle Strain

The biceps muscle is on the front part of the upper arm. The muscle is attached to the elbow and at two places in the shoulder. Inflammation of the long tendon, which runs over the top of the upper arm and attaches to the top of the shoulder blade, is fairly common for athletes.

Bradley Cohen
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Hip Abductors & Flexor Strain Treatment

Hip abductor and flexor strains occur when the muscle or tendon of the hip is stretched or torn due to overuse during exercise or sports. Often these injuries require several weeks of rest, therapy and medications to ensure the strain has been completely healed before returning to physical activity.

Cindy Hamilton
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