What Is the Purpose & Function of the Hamstring?

The hamstring muscles are at the back of your thighs. Their primary purpose is to bend the knee.

Aubrey Bailey
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Muscles Used in Hip Extension

Hip extension is a movement you do everyday. It uses the muscles of the butt and thighs to help you walk and stand up from a seated position.

Aubrey Bailey
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Stretches for Adductor Muscles

Inner thigh muscles can get tight -- especially if you sit a lot during the day. Stretches improve flexibility in these adductor muscles.

Aubrey Bailey
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Daily Function of Gluteal Muscles

The gluteal muscles work together daily to propel your body forward, backward and side to side while maintaining your balance.

Aubrey Bailey
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Stretches for a Pain in the Tailbone

Tailbone pain can disrupt just about every aspect of your life. Stretches can help relieve your symptoms.

Aubrey Bailey
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How to Relieve Muscle Stiffness in Legs

Stiff legs make you uncomfortable and can inhibit your movement. Use movement and stretching to ease the sensation.

Andrea Cespedes
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What Are the Symptoms of Torn Tendons?

Tendons are tough, fibrous tissues that connect your muscles to the bones within your body. If a tendon is overused or overstretched during physical activity, the tendon can tear--a condition known as a ruptured tendon. Contact your doctor for further evaluation if you develop symptoms of torn tendons.

Rae Uddin
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How To Stretch the Gastrocnemius & Soleus Muscles

The soleus and gastrocnemius are two of the muscles in your calves and are heavily involved in many of the exercises you perform each day. An adequate fitness program will incorporate stretching because it increases flexibility, improves circulation and range of motion, and reduces muscle stress.

Anna Aronson
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Throat Stretching Procedure

Esophageal narrowing can cause malnutrition, breathing problems and death. Throat stretching is a life-saving procedure that can help with this condition. Knowing how the procedure is performed and the benefits it has to offer can help you decide if throat stretching is right for you.

Kerry L Williams
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Why Are My Muscles Extremely Sore After Exercise?

Aches and soreness after a tough workout can remind you of the hard work you put in at the gym -- or signal a more serious injury, such as a muscle strain.

Rachel Nall
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Causes of Tingling in the Leg & Foot

Numerous conditions can cause tingling in the leg and foot. According to the Foot Health Facts website, tingling in the leg and foot may indicate neurological or vascular problems. In some cases, tingling in the leg and foot may be accompanied by pain, burning or numbness.

Martin Hughes
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When I Stretch My Rib Hurts

If your ribs hurt while stretching, you’ve likely experienced a recent traumatic blow to the chest or have been lifting more weight than your muscles can handle. Some rib injuries are potentially life-threatening, since the ribs protect vital organs, so always consult with your doctor if you’re feeling rib pain.

Melissa McNamara
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