What Are the Causes of Tight Tendons?

When tendons become tight or inflexible, they can affect your movement, causing discomfort, pain and injury. Every muscle in your body is attached to bone by tendons.

Bethany Kochan
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Pre-Running Stretches

For years, static stretching before running was believed to have many benefits, but recent studies have shown otherwise. Pre-run dynamic stretches are actually much more beneficial.

James Neel
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What Causes Pimples on Legs?

Pimples on your legs can dampen your enthusiasm for donning clothes that expose your otherwise gorgeous gams. Whether on your legs or elsewhere on your body, pimples arise from the hair follicles of the skin. In addition hair-producing cells, hair follicles contain skin oil from sebaceous glands that empty into them.

Shannon Marks
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Stretches for a Sprained Wrist

Wrist sprains, which cause damage to the ligaments in your wrist, often are the result of a fall onto an outstretched hand. Wrist sprains can occur during sports, recreation or daily activities. If you have sprained your wrist, you may experience swelling, pain, tenderness and bruising.

Michelle Zehr
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What Causes Muscle Loss?

There are many causes for the deterioration of muscles. Muscle wasting, or atrophy, occurs in two basic forms: disuse atrophy in which the muscles waste away due to lack of exercise, and neurogenic atrophy, which is muscle deterioration due to disease or injury.

Lisa Mooney
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A Rehabilitation Exercise for a Pulled Biceps Muscle

A pulled bicep muscle can be excruciatingly painful, limiting your mobility and causing swelling in your arm. Before you begin rehabilitation exercises, though, you'll need to check with your doctor to ensure you don't have a broken bone, torn tendon or a serious muscular injury that requires surgery.

Van Thompson
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Foot Cramps & Stretches

You may experience painful and disruptive foot cramps while exercising or sleeping. Mineral or electrolyte deficiencies, poor circulation, obesity and alcohol consumption may also cause a foot cramp; as well as dehydration, improper footwear and muscle fatigue.

Hannah Mich
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What Are the Causes of Front Thigh Muscle Tightness?

Front thigh muscle tightness can be caused by such issues as poor posture, stiff hip joints, a stiff spine or too much neural stimulation in the thigh and hip flexors.

Nick Ng
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Stretches For the Sternocleidomastoid

The sternocleidomastoid muscle, or SCM, is one of the largest muscles of the neck. When the SCM muscle is tight, the jaw protrudes forward. This pulls the head out of its correct alignment. Stretching gets the muscle to relax and return to its normal length so the jaw can stay in its correct position.

Sarka-Jonae Miller
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Stretches for the Eight Major Muscle Groups

Stretching is essential for your body's health. It improves flexibility, increases range of motion, and can even prevent injury. By stretching the muscles in the eight major areas of your body, you can get an all-over body stretch that will keep you supple and strong.

Jami Kastner
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Causes of Temporary Leg Paralysis

Temporary leg paralysis is a distressing symptom, which varies in severity from leg weakness to complete loss of movement in the affected limb. Abnormalities that affect the brain or nerves that control the leg muscles can cause temporary leg paralysis.

Dr. Tina M. St. John
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My Head Hurts After Climbing Stairs

Whether you're doing it for exercise or for more practical reasons, climbing stairs is a good cardiovascular activity. It's great for toning leg muscles and getting your heart pumping. Some people may find that they experience a headache after climbing stairs. In most cases, this is of little concern.

Janet Renee, MS, RD
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