Supplements That Might Make You Itch

Whether from an allergic reaction or you're simply getting too much, your supplement can make you itch. Consult with your doctor to determine the exact cause.

Beverly Bird
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What Causes Itching in the Anal Area?

Conditions like hemorrhoids and pinworms can cause uncomfortable anal itching. But there are some surprising culprits that also can lead to an itchy bottom.

Kayla McKiski
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Reasons for Itching Under Skin

Itching under the skin without a rash or other skin abnormalities occurs with a variety of systemic disorders and conditions.

Owen Pearson
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Why Do My Hands Itch at Night?

Itchy hands at night may be the result of several different skin conditions, some of which can seem worse in the evening or when you're trying to sleep.

James Roland
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Pistachio Allergies Causing Itching Hands

Pistachios are small tree nuts that belong to a mango nut family together with cashews. Pistachio allergies typically develop early in life and often persist throughout a person’s lifetime. Even the smallest amount of pistachios can cause symptoms. Itchy skin and rash is a common reaction associated with food allergy.

Maria Hoven
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Vitamins for Itching

Itchy skin can be uncomfortable and have a number of causes, including dry skin, allergies, eczema, lice, hives, chickenpox, anemia, cancer, pregnancy, allergic reactions and nerve disorders. Scratching is likely your first instinct when you have an itch. Scratching often provides temporary relief.

Michelle Zehr
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What Are the Causes of Male Genital Itching?

The causes of male anogenital pruritus, or genital itching, can be relatively mild or symptomatic of a more serious ailment. Genital itching is a common complaint among male patients.

Sydney Hornby, M.D.
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Causes of Nighttime Anal Itching

Anal itching, or pruritus ani, is a common condition that is typically worse at night.

Alison Smith
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Jock Itch & Diet

Although no one likes to admit they have it, jock itch, a symptom of a fungus overgrowth, can result in a maddening itch in the genital region.

Glenda Taylor
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How to Stop a Keloid From Itching

Keloids or keloidal scars are excess growths of scar tissue in the area where a wound has healed. The scars often are lumpy, ridged and flesh-colored, red or pink. These scars can form from surgical incisions, or injuries such as acne, burns, chicken pox, wounds or vaccinations.

Timothy Onkst
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5 Things You Should Know About Jock Itch

A common reason for men to come into a dermatology clinic is to treat an itchy rash in the groin area. In many instances the cause is jock itch (although most of the patients who have it are clearly not jocks). Jock itch is a fungus infection of the groin that occurs mostly in men.

Jeffrey Benabio
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How to Stop Back of Knees From Itching

Itching behind the knee is commonly caused by heat buildup in warm weather, an allergic reaction to soaps and skin care products, or from improper hygiene. However, some remedies can help to solve this problem, along with proper washing, according to Jennie Harding, author of "

Christopher Godwin
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