How to Stop a Keloid From Itching

 by Timothy Onkst

Keloids or keloidal scars are excess growths of scar tissue in the area where a wound has healed. The scars often are lumpy, ridged and flesh-colored, red or pink. These scars can form from surgical incisions, or injuries such as acne, burns, chicken pox, wounds or vaccinations.

Keloids or keloidal scars are excess growths of scar tissue in the area where a wound has healed. The scars often are lumpy, ridged and flesh-colored, red or pink. These scars can form from surgical incisions, or injuries such as acne, burns, chicken pox, wounds or vaccinations. The areas around keloids and other scars can be itchy when they are forming and or healing, but there are some things you can do to stop the itch.

Step 1

Apply ice wrapped in a bag or towel to the skin to avoid scratching. Physical therapist D.K. Mangusan of PT Notes website reminds you that you can ice from four to eight times per day, but that you should not ice for longer than 20 minutes at a time.

Step 2

Hydrate your skin by applying a moisturizing lotion daily to avoid dry skin. Dry skin often itches and can lead to worse scarring or even infection.

Step 3

Apply corticosteroid creams to the keloid area to relieve itching. Merck Manuals says that some people may need a prescription strength cream, while others can use mild over-the-counter varieties such as hydrocortisone.

Step 4

Bathe in cool or lukewarm water instead of hot water and use mild soaps. Heat and harsh soaps can exasperate itching by irritating the skin, drying it out and leading to scratching.

Step 5

Try an oral over-the-counter antihistamine to relieve the itch. According to Merck Manuals, oral antihistamines are a better option than antihistamine creams. Merck Manuals notes that over-the-counter medicines such as hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine can cause drowsiness, while loratadine and cetirizine do not cause sleepiness.


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