The Effects of Glycerin on Skin

Glycerin might sound like a scary ingredient, but it's a product naturally derived from plant and animal fats. As a skincare ingredient, it keeps skin moist and supple.

Meghan Markle's Nightly Skincare Routine, Straight From Her Facialist

Meghan Markle's facialist, Nichola Joss reveals exactly how to massage your face for a glowing complexion.

Supplements That Might Make You Itch

Whether from an allergic reaction or you're simply getting too much, your supplement can make you itch. Consult with your doctor to determine the exact cause.

What to Eat When You Have Hives

Hives are itchy and annoying, and no food can cure them. For a quick fix, you'll have to take antihistamines. However, vitamins D and C may offer some relief.

How to Prevent Your Skin From Peeling After a Sunburn

You've spent too much time in the sun and now you're wondering how to prevent your skin from peeling after the burn. Keep cool and follow some helpful steps to minimize the possibility of peeling skin.

What Causes Itching in the Anal Area?

Conditions like hemorrhoids and pinworms can cause uncomfortable anal itching. But there are some surprising culprits that also can lead to an itchy bottom.

Ew! Why Do I Sweat So Much When I Work Out?

How much you sweat, where you sweat and what your sweat smells and tastes like may differ from your workout buddy, even if you're doing the same workout.

What Are the Causes of a Fish Odor on a Baby?

Most parents enjoy the sweet smell of a newborn, but some babies may develop a fishy smell that’s not so pleasant. If that happens, it’s always best to check with your pediatrician about the cause and treatment.

Sunburns and Sunburn Remedies (Because Peeling Skin Is Never a Good Look)

You've been advised countless times about the dangers of too much sun, but you got a sunburn anyway. Now what? Here's everything you need to know about healing your sunburn.

Peeling Skin on Hands & Fingers

Peeling skin on your hands and fingers can cause pain, especially when your skin becomes raw. Everything from the weather to certain medical conditions can cause the skin on your hands and fingers to peel. If you’re unsure of the exact cause, you may need to visit your dermatologist for an exact diagnosis.

How to Remove Warts Around the Eye

Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus, which is present worldwide. Warts may spread person to person or indirectly through a contaminated object. Warts can occur on almost any area of your skin. You can treat common warts at home using a variety of methods.

Symptom of Peeling Skin on Hands

Peeling on your hands can be attributed to a variety of conditions depending on your symptoms. In some cases your symptoms can present with blisters, which go on to pop, causing your skin to peel. Other conditions are caused by irritants that can dry your skin, causing them to feel itchy then peel.