How to Immediately Lower Heart Rate

A rapid heart rate can be very disturbing. Some causes are harmless, while others are potentially life threatening. Certain physical maneuvers can quickly lower the heart rate, but they should only be attempted if your doctor has recommended them.

Dr. Ann M. Hester
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The Normal Pulse Rate During Pregnancy

Pregnancy affects a women's body in many ways, and one of these changes is your pulse or heart rate.

Lisa Weber
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What Is a Dangerously Low Pulse Rate?

A low pulse rate needs evaluation if also accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, fatigue or fainting.

Lori Newell
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Normal Pulse Rate for a Healthy Person

Checking your pulse is usually one of the first things that happens when you visit your doctor. This simple test is quick and painless, and provides information about your overall health. It also can be an important factor in making a diagnosis.

Stephanie Kramer
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The Normal Heart Rate at 15 Months

The heart rate is one of your body’s vital signs, indicating its level of functioning. A normal heart rate varies, depending on your age and circumstances. Newborn babies have faster heart rates than adults, and various factors, such as heart conditions, physical activity or physical fitness, can influence heart rate.

Meg Brannagan
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What Is a Normal Pulse Rate for a 40-Year-Old Woman?

According to Medline Plus, from the National Library of Medicine in the National Institutes of Health, pulse rate is the number of beats per minute. Other terms for the pulse rate are the heart rate or heart beat.

Natalie Stein
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Good Pulse Rate for an Elliptical Machine

Elliptical machines offer a form of low-impact aerobic exercise. They cause less stress on joints and muscles than jogging or running, even on a treadmill. In addition, many models also work the arms and upper body with moving handles.

Eric Mohrman
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Physical Effects of Nicotine on the Heart Rate

Roses fend off predators with thorns, but tobacco plants protect their huge leaves with a more lethal, yet invisible, defense -- nicotine. Naturally occurring in tobacco, the chemical nicotine rapidly hijacks the nervous systems of insects and animals that would dare munch on it.

Diane Helentjaris
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What Are Normal Pulse Rates When Exercising?

When you exercise, your pulse rate accelerates to help move blood and oxygen through your cells and tissues. Knowing your pulse rate can help you evaluate your exercise routine and maximize the benefits of your workout.

Bonnie Singleton
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Normal Heart Rate When Walking

The normal heart rate while walking is different for each person. Several factors affect each person's normal heart rate. Monitoring heart rate norms is based on your resting heart rate -- the rate your heart beats after a good night's sleep before you get out of bed.

Lynne Sheldon
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Signs & Symptoms of a Low Pulse Rate

A pulse rate is considered normal if it falls between 60 and 100 beats per minutes when a person is at rest. The Mayo Clinic notes, however, that athletes who are well-trained can have at-rest pulse rates between 40 and 60 beats per minute.

Doug Hewitt
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Causes for an Elevated Heart Rate

Your heart normally beats in a regular rhythm at a rate of roughly 60 to 100 beats per minute at rest. When the resting heart rate exceeds 100 beats per minute, this is called tachycardia. Many conditions and diseases can cause tachycardia.

Ruben J. Nazario
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