Drugs That Decrease Heart Rate

A slow heart rate, called bradycardia, may result from various medications. Some drugs were developed specifically to slow the heart rate. But bradycardia may be an unwanted side effect of a wide range of other medications that were not developed to have any impact on the heart.

Dr. Ann M. Hester
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What Is a Normal Heart Rate While Sleeping?

Sleep represents an uninterrupted, unconscious resting time for your body and mind. Adults typically require 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily, according to 2015 recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation. During sleep, your heart rate normally slows due to complex regulatory mechanisms.

Walt Pickut
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Why Is My Heart Rate Higher Than Normal?

Heart rate is controlled by electrical signals sent through heart tissue. A healthy adult heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute at rest. Many people, however, experience an elevated heart rate and for a variety of reasons.

Sari Hardyal
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Effects of Atropine on Heart Rate

Atropine is an anticholinergic medication that may be administered in a variety of medical situations. Anticholinergic drugs block the action of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter found in many places throughout the body. Atropine is often used during surgical procedures performed under general anesthesia.

Stephanie Vargas, M.D.
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Normal Pulse Rate for a Teenager

Your pulse rate or heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Knowing your pulse rate can give teenagers key information about their health and fitness level. A “normal” pulse rate or heart rate is actually a range rather than a specific number.

Mary Kelly
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Why Would a Physically Fit Person's Heart Rate Return to Normal Faster Than an Unfit Person's?

Heart rate recovery is the amount of time it takes for your heart to return to a normal level following exercise. Usually this is measured at a physician's office with the use of a treadmill stress test.

Lisa M. Wolfe
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What Are the Causes of a Low Pulse Rate?

A slow heart rate is a condition known as bradycardia. A normal heart rate falls in the range of 60 to 100 beats per minute. According to the Mayo Clinic, a person with a slow rate, or bradycardia, has a heart that beats fewer than 60 times per minute. For some people, there are no problems with the slow heart rate.

Doug Hewitt
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The Normal Heart Rate During a Panic Attack

During a panic attack, also called an anxiety attack, you may notice that your heart is pounding very quickly. A normal heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, depending on your activity level, age and overall health, but during a panic attack, it may beat from 8 to 20 more beats per minute.

Michelle Kulas
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What Is a Normal Respiration Rate?

Every time you breathe in and out, your lungs inhale oxygen-rich air and blow out carbon dioxide. The number of breaths you take in one minute is known as your respiration rate, or breathing rate.

Sandy Keefe
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Normal Resting Pulse Rate for Women

The American Heart Association considers between 60 and 100 to be a normal resting pulse rate for an adult woman. This means that her heart should beat between 60 and 100 times per minute when she is sitting or lying in a calm and relaxed state.

Dana Severson
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The Importance of a Lower Resting Heart Rate to Your Health

Your heart rate is another way to say the number of times your heart beats per minute. This varies between people, but knowing your heart rate, and how it tends to change during rest and exercise, helps you monitor your own health. A lower heart rate when you're at rest usually indicates a healthier heart.

Eleanor McKenzie
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