Symptoms of Allergies to Chickpeas and Soy

Chickpeas and soybeans share similar proteins that can cause an allergic reaction. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America notes that soybeans contain at least 15 different proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction.

Diane Marks
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List of Fortified Foods

When foods are refined, some of their nutrients are lost and then put back in. These foods are then called "enriched." Fortified foods, on the other hand, have vitamins and nutrients put into them that they didn't originally contain.

Kevin Rail
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Kiwi Allergy Symptoms

While eggs, milk, nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat and soy account for 90 percent of food allergies, kiwi allergy is not rare -- especially in people with other allergies. Among older children and adults, an allergic reaction to kiwis usually represents cross reactivity to another allergy-provoking substance, or allergen.

Robert Shifko
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List of Foods With Protists, Fungi & Bacteria in Them

Fungus belongs to the kingdom Fungi, bacteria to Monera and protists to Protista. Although these organisms are often thought to be detrimental to human health, many of them actually exist in the foods you enjoy, as well as on the body itself.

Skyler White
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Gluten Sensitivity and Yeast Allergy

Do you feel ill after eating a slice of bread? Have multiple doctors insisted you don’t have celiac disease? You are not alone. Many people who test negative for celiac disease experience symptoms similar to people diagnosed with it.

Alexandra Kaplan, MS, RD, CDN
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Food Allergies With a Skin Rash Resembling Scratches

An allergic skin condition occurs when an allergen triggers an immune system response. As a result, a red, inflamed rash that resembles a scratch can develop anywhere on the skin, including on the face, hands, feet, back of the knees, elbows, chest and legs.

Rose Erickson
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Symptoms of Food in the Lungs

When food or a liquid enters the lungs, it is called aspiration pneumonia. A common cause might come from inhaling stomach acid or vomit or if food, liquid or spit from your mouth accidentally gets into the airway and travels down into the lungs.

Lori Myers
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List of Citrus Foods

It's no secret that citrus fruits make a refreshing snack that's rich in vitamin C.

Marie Mulrooney
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List of Hypoallergenic Foods

Hypoallergenic diets are designed to minimize the chances of provoking an allergic reaction. Doctors commonly recommend hypoallergenic foods to patients to determine whether their allergic reactions are a result of the foods they eat.

Kent Ninomiya
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List of Non-Goitrogenic Foods

Your thyroid gland produces hormones that help regulate your energy, metabolism, moods and body temperature. After you eat goitrogens, substances that occur naturally in various foods, a healthy thyroid will compensate by releasing more hormones than usual.

August McLaughlin
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Tomatoes and Itchy Skin

Itchy skin after eating tomatoes may be more common than you think. The acidity from the tomato can cause skin irritation and can even cause allergic contact dermatitis.

Diane Marks
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Orzo & Gluten

If you suffer from gluten intolerance or celiac disease, you must eliminate all sources of gluten from your diet. Gluten is a protein in wheat and other grains. Following a gluten-free diet takes some practice because not every food or food ingredient that contains gluten is obvious.

Linda Tarr Kent
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