How to Keep Alfredo Sauce From Becoming Grainy

Alfredo sauce is a classic white cheese sauce that often accompanies pastas, such as fettuccine and linguine. It also makes a delicious topping for steamed vegetables and chicken. You can buy Alfredo sauce in jars at the local grocery store or make your own.

Amber Canaan
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How to Fix Lumpy Cheese Fondue

Creamy, savory cheese fondue is an ideal appetizer for a cool winter evening. Making cheese fondue is a simple process requiring only a few ingredients: garlic, white wine, shredded cheese and kirsch, which is a cherry-flavored liqueur.

Natalie Smith
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Cottage Cheese Side Effects

Many dieters turn to cottage cheese for weight loss, pairing it with fruits such as melons, berries and pineapple. This dairy food is high in calcium and other nutrients, but there are side effects to eating cottage cheese. It can cause various reactions, and its protein and sodium content may trigger health problems.

Nicki Wolf
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Effects of Eating Cheese on the Body

Cheese can be an important part of many meals and diet plans. Because cheese is produced from milk, many of the same nutritional factors associated with milk are also associated with cheese, which can have both beneficial and detrimental effects on your body.

Dominique Brooks
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Can I Be Allergic to Mozzarella Cheese?

Mozzarella cheese has an elastic texture, which rolls neatly into a ball after kneading. Originally made in Naples, mozzarella cheese is a staple in many Italian dishes and a common pizza topper. If you notice yourself feeling ill after eating mozzarella cheese, do not automatically assume that the cheese is bad.

Jonae Fredericks
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Diabetic Carbs in Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is rich in protein and each serving contributes to the 3-cup recommended intake of dairy products every day. Choose low-fat cottage cheese to retain the nutritional benefit without the added fat intake. Reducing dairy fats helps encourage heart health, particularly in a diabetic meal plan.

Tara Kimball
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Does Blue Cheese Contain Lactose?

The signature blue veins in blue cheese come from the injection of penicillin culture that results in the signature tangy taste. Included in sauces, salads and served at room temperature with wine, fruit and nuts, blue cheese is a significant cheese in the American diet.

Tara Carson
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Do Milk, Cheese & Yogurt Have Carbohydrates?

Dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt are typically recognized nutritionally for containing calcium and protein. While these dairy-based items tend to be higher in protein and fat, they do have some carbohydrates. Naturally occurring carbs should still be considered a part of dairy's nutrition profile.

Nicole Turner-Ravana
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Can I Eat Cheese With Type 2 Diabetes?

If you have diabetes, your body does not metabolize carbohydrates properly, and you have high blood sugar. A healthy diet is an important part of managing your blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes complications.

Natalie Stein
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Different Ways to Eat Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a very healthy way to sneak in some dairy and protein to your meal. The American Heart Association recommends eating two to three servings of low-fat or no-fat dairy per day. To keep it low-fat and low-calorie, pick the cottage cheese made from 1 percent or nonfat milk.

Laura Niedziocha
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Does Baking at High Temperatures Kill Mold on Cheese?

It can be frustrating to get cheese you've spent good money on out of the fridge, only to find it's gone moldy. You probably know you shouldn't eat moldy cheese, but you might be tempted to try to kill the mold by baking the cheese at high temperature.

Melanie Greenwood
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How to Make a Cheeseburger in the Oven

Cheeseburgers are often associated with stove-top cooking or frying, but there are more healthy ways to prepare your burger. Frying tends to keep the oil and grease near the meat where some is absorbed. Baking allows some fat to drain out of the patty without diminishing the flavor.

Darla Ferrara
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