Does Drinking Beer Interfere With the Healing of a Broken Bone?

When you have a broken bone, the faster your healing time, the sooner you can get back to your activities of daily living without a cast or brace. To heal properly, your body needs time and the right mix of nutrients to generate healthy and strong bone cells.

Rachel Nall
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Symptoms of a Toddler's Broken Nose

Symptoms of a toddler broken nose may be easy to recognize or difficult without knowing some of the signs to look for. Not knowing what to look for may make it difficult to know if your toddler has broken his or her nose. Not all of the signs are classic, such as bruising around the eyes or nose.

Deborah Smith
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Symptoms of a Broken Sternum

A sternal fracture is a cracked or broken sternum often caused by trauma -- commonly seen in vehicle accidents when the steering wheel hits the driver’s chest. The sternum, or breast bone, is the long vertical bone in the center of the chest.

Walter Davis
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Chinese Remedies for Broken Bones

You can help promote the healing of broken bones with the use of many complementary therapies within Traditional Chinese Medicine. In their holistic approach to health care, two or more modalities are usually used together. Chief among these modalities are acupuncture, herbology, and medical qigong.

David O
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How Long Until a Chipped Bone on the Knee From Playing Football Heals?

Football is a high-impact sport that can take its toll on your body. Sprinting, sudden starts and stops and direct collisions can lead to injuries of the knees. Chipped bones in your knee often result from a previous injury that causes bone or cartilage pieces to chip off.

Michelle Zehr
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Bruised or Broken Tailbone Symptoms

The tailbone or coccyx is the small bone located at the bottom of the spine. Certain types of trauma or injuries, such as giving birth to a baby or sitting or falling down hard, can bruise or break the tailbone, leading to uncomfortable symptoms.

Rae Uddin
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